Winshell 4.0

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Mr.Janker

Winshell 4.0
From China
Author Mr.Janker
Family Winshell
Category Remote Access
Version Winshell 4.0
Language Visual C++
Additional Information

size: 7 KB

port: 5277 TCP


Author Information / Description
WinShell V4.0 £­ A small and power telnet server for windows

Author: janker

WinShell was a telnet server for windows platform.
Main program was just a 6k bytes stand-alone executable file,
Could run stably without any third dll, Although it was so thin,
it had many of  funtions, such as custom port, password protect,
muti-user logon, NT Service mode, download file£¬user-defined message,
special anti-ddos, etc. Detail to see the following:

1¡¢Support Windows 9x/me/nt/2k/xp
2¡¢Just a executable file, without setup
3¡¢Support all of standard telnet client
4¡¢Allow muti-user logon
5¡¢Custom port number
6¡¢Run in the background
7¡¢Support NT service mode
8¡¢Password protect
9¡¢Build-in install and uninstall
10¡¢Build-in file download
11¡¢Build-in reboot and poweroff
12¡¢Build-in terminate itself remotely
13¡¢Special anti-ddos flood
14¡¢No backdoor password

Release Files
ws4maker.exe      winshell make program
ws4maker.exe.sig  Digital sign file
english.txt       English help file
chinese.txt       Chinese help file
janker.asc        Author's public key file

Make WinShell
1. Run ws4maker.exe.
2. Config the options as you need.
3. Click the button "make".
4. Get your custom winshell.exe!

The main options detail as the following: 

The listening port number, default was 5277.

The logon key, default was none.

Password Prompt Message:
The asking input password message, default was "Password:".

Service Name:
NT Service name for system, default was "winshell".
Example: the service name of ms ftp server was "msftpsvc".

RegKey Name:
The registry key name for autorun in the win9x/me, default was "winshell". example:

Service Show Name:
The NT service name showing in the service list.
Example: the service show name of ms ftp server was "FTP Publishing Service".

Service Descripition Message:
The NT service descripition for itself function, supported by 2000/XP, invalid in NT4.0.

First try to install itself, then to run.

Command Line
run "winshell.exe /?", will see the following dialogbox message:

WINSHELL.EXE [n][i][?]
n -port
i -install
? -help

Note: "n" was port number, the range was 1-65535,
and it was more first than custom port; "i" was to install winshell, just install,
not to start winshell.

Start and Stop WinShell
To start:
1. Application mode: just run winshell.exe, also maybe have command line parameter.
2. NT Service mode: net start winshell.
To stop:
1. With build-in function.
2. Kill the winshell process.
3. Net stop winshell.

Logon WinShell
C:\>telnet 5277
Password: 1234

WinShell v4.0
(C)2001 by janker

? for help

i Install
u Uninstall
w Where
r Reboot
p Poweroff
q Quit
e End
s Shellurl download

? for help
Download to C:\windows\hello.exe...
? for help

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