WinShell 1.0

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Mr.Janker

From China
Author Mr.Janker
Family Winshell
Category Remote Access
Version WinShell 1.0
Language Visual C++
Additional Information
size 5 KB

port: 5277 TCP

restart: none

Author Information / Description
Invisible telnet server.
Usage:  WinShell [?] [port[@]]

  ?     - this help
  port  - default is 5277
  @     - debug mode

From the above, you could know that if you just want to set WinShell to watch port 23, run: 

C:\>winshell 23 

Of course, if you run "winshell" directly, the winshell will listening default port 5277. 

[Login WinShell]
use any telnet client program, open host and port as following:

>TELNET host port

If successful, you will see the following message in the telnet box : 

WinShell v1.0 - '!' to quit, 'enter' to shell...

now, press '!' key you could terminate the winshell remotely. otherwise, press 'enter' or other key, 
you will enter the remote system command shell. Example in the windows 2000 system: 

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.


now, you could execute console command freely! :)


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