
Released 25 years, 6 months ago. March 1999

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By PaulD & frankw

Author PaulD & frankw
Family WinControl
Category Remote Access
Version WinControl
Released Date Mar 1999, 25 years, 6 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 135.680 bytes

Author Information / Description
WinControl Readme!

In order to use WinControl you will require the use of a couple of
additional resources.

Versions 1.28 and below

- Visual Basic Runtimes 5.00 (SP3)
- MSWINSCK.OCX   (Server & Client Machine) 
- MCI32.OCX      (Server Machine)
- DISABLEPRO.OCX (Server Machine)
- RICHTX32.OCX   (Server Machine)
- RICHED32.DLL   (Server Machine)

Firstly, install the Visual Basic Runtimes 5.00 (SP3), this may require
a reboot. When you have done this, register everything in the list (can
be found in the OCX folder). You can do this by:

1. Copy all the files to the C:\Windows\System Folder
2. Select all the files in the C:\Windows\System folder and click COPY
3. Find RegSvr32.EXE (In the C:\Windows\System Folder), highlight it and click paste.
   This will register all the controls.

The above procedure need only ever be done once, the controls are then
permanently registered in the Registry!

Versions 1.29 and above

- Visual Basic Runtimes 5.00 (SP3)
- MSWINSCK.OCX   (Server & Client Machine)

The procedure is the same as before, only that one control needs to be
registered using RegSvr32.EXE

After you have successfully completed the above, copy the RegSrv1.xx.EXE
file to the Windows or Windows\System folder, then run it.
This machine will now be controllable under the WinControl Client.

Use the WinControl Client to control the computer running RegSrv1.xx.EXE
(The WinControl Server)

Good Luck!
PaulD & frankw

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