Unify 1.4

Released 23 years, 4 months ago. October 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Da

Unify 1.4
Author Da
Family Unify
Category Notifier
Version Unify 1.4
Released Date Oct 2001, 23 years, 4 months ago.
Language Visual Basic

Author Information / Description
#            Unify                #
#            by da          	  #
[email protected]

|      http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unify_Victims           |

*		      Version 1.4		          *
*		       26/10/2001                                        *

You bastards are so god damn paranoid....
Well Here it is...
Many people compain that unify server pass through other servers.. hypermary projectn etc..
I told them that it was for email notification.... Your bloody emails dun come from nowwhere... 
then u bastards say that oh... email is 25.. bull shit
...... Didn't anyone hear of cgi remailer.....
Well... i'm god damn pissed.. This is probably my last version of unify....and i've 
made it open source... You people can jolly well fix any bugs
you like..There'll be no longer any such thing as enter ur email and viola you get ur notification..
Now i've remove all the email jobs for you..
You have to set up ur own remailer...I've included  FormMail 1.6 by Matt Wright 
You now have to find ur cgi host....setup FormMail... then enter your own remailer cgi url into the section "FormMail URL"
The source code can be found in  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unify_Victims under the files section..
Stop bitching about stealing ur victims...

That's all ..
Should there be a new version... it'll be a much much longer time.. unlikely i'll work on unify much longer....
For those of you who dun have vb or duno how to program...... here are the compile exe...... 
I've taken all precautions now............unify dun connect to any shit other then
ur server.. u mess up ur problem... fix it urself...
I've also remove the auto update feature.... manage to trim down the server size......
You can send multiple email notification too.. 
in the email..just seperate the emails address by commas.....
Email 2 was working a few days ago and it was a novel idea to get your emails...
But blackcode seems to patch it ... so email 2 is probably out..
Well..i'm not going to fix it......... if you want.. you can fix it yourself...
That's all............ Should someone take my code and improve on it.. drop me a note plz..


Fuck fdex, slipk who are so paranoid bastards..

Worst of all... fuck rezmond......

*              Version 1.3                  *
*             22/10/2001 (nite 11pm)        *

Okay man.. 2 release in the same day.....
Just had some inspirations......added 1 new email notify under "Email 2" section
This makes use of some mailing list on the net...
This is how it works..
First get a domain that you own  that has an option to forward all emails with wrong alias to a single mail box.. 
eg <anything>@great.com will be forward to
[email protected]
A good choice will be a cjb.net domain cos it's free and allow you to forward <anything>@your.cjb.net to any email address
Now when unify trojan starts.. it'll attempt to notify you via mailing list (Blackcode or yahoo mailing list)
it'll email in the form <trojan type>_<ip>_<port>_<Password>@yourdomain.com
[email protected]
the email will then be forward by cjb.net to a single mailbox which you specify...
by looking at where the mailing list is send to... you can know the ip etc...
If you duno what i'm taking about.. forget about this option.... treat it as if it doesn't 
exist..Do not email me asking for help or what so ever.. 
I'll just ask you fuck off...
Blackcode is working and yahoo should be working (i hope)
I'm thinking of adding an irc option in.. but i do not have to time to code anymore..anyone
want to help me just email me ... must be in vb.. and no winsock.ocx......

That;s about all.....

Any of you all created your own notification out there (cgi or remailer or wat soever.. just
send me the protocol and I'll implement it in the next version)

Join the discussion group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/unify_Victims to be notify of new updates
Watch for version 2.0 (if i'm going to release it that is... might quit halfway....)

[email protected]
*              Version 1.2a                 *
*              22/10/2001                   *
Fixed a small small bug......
1.3 will be ready in a few days

*              Version 1.2                  *
*              21/10/2001                   *

Brush up the interface a bit...
Added more auto startup... now it's 3 timers harder to remove the trojan  for beginers...
Fix a bug...
Email notification speed up

That's all


Rezmond: You sux....

*              Version 1.1                  *
*              20/10/2001                   *

Nothing much here.. just fix a slight bug...
Added an email notification.. you do not need to fill in an smtp server.. I've taken care of the hardwork for 
you lazy dicks.....
Added a nicer about box...
Added GrcSux support.... 
Rezmond still sux anyway....

That's all

*               Version 1.0                 *
*               (Debute version)            *
*               18/10/2001                  *

As we all know nowadays trojan notification isn't getting any reliable.. esp with icq...
That's why people came up with cgi...It's pretty good.. But the problem is that not all trojan comes
 with cgi-notification..
Well..I came up with this concept call unify.. For now it's just at the beginning stage... 
It promises to unify all notification methods..... For now in version one.. it can notify via
 Sub7 cgi logger and icq...

So you can just setup sub7 cgi notification and use unify to create an exe wich will work with sub 7cgi..
Then bind it with ur trojan.. it'll now auto notify you via icq and sub 7 cgi..This works for all trojan..
All the fields in the configuration is needed to be filled

URL: The url of ur sub 7 cgi.. eg http://fuckme.com/subseven.cgi
 Trojan name: For personal record to keep track of the various trojans eg y3k, bionet, mooskucker etc
Port: The particular port for that trojan
trojan password: this is the password for ur trojan
suib 7 cgi password:: This is the password for the sub7 cgi.. if u did not password it, fill in 00000
ICQ: Yeah.... u know what is it...

There's also and autoupdate feature to make sure that it stays detected.. (But i dun think i'll update it.. it's just for fun)
This prog does nothing except for notify via icq and sub 7 cgi

*	Upcomming in version 2        *
In version 2 which will be release later:
-SMS notification
-HatAttack Online server list addition (if their server is up that is)
-Y3k Online server list  (if their server is up that is)
-Moosucker online server list (DEAD??)
-Email notification
-Forum notification (YaBB and UBB )
-Various major guest book notification (Yahoo .. lycos etc)
-Irc notification...
-Anti Rezmond Routine (Auto remove bionet if dected  )
-anything else just send ur ideas to me
 All these will be implementated if i get about releasing it that is

REzmond.  what a fucking brat

Actually i didn;t really intent to go int the trojan coding scene... just that i was thinking..rez is wat a brat...
 wat a fucker.... heh....So i dun have a webpage or any shit.. this is probably my first tool specially for trojaners....
 and probably my last except for version 2... so i guess i didn't really pay much effort to this..thus u see the gui sux..
 and it's coded in vb etc..Adios
I'm going to get u rez ;)

For all u lamers trojaners out there... Dun bitch me about anything..Dun email me about
anything wrong for u etc..Dun even contact me at all...
I only welcome feedback, bugs reports, ideas.. and sponser like $$$ etc...(I want a webhoster 
if anyone can support... but i'm lazy to build a webpage anyway)
Attached is a screenshot.jpg that shows the typical screen shot of ur subseven cgi when
use with unify.

I might make this shit open source in the future... cos i dun really think the trojan scene 
is worth staying too long...I'm here for the experience...... so if anyone want to carry 
on the project... just post a msg at http://www.sotmesc.org/gcms/trojans/bbindex.html


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