
Released 21 years ago. September 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By NSRGroup

Author NSRGroup
Family Trylobite
Category Remote Access
Version Trylobite
Released Date Sep 2003, 21 years ago.
Language C++
Additional Information
Size: 49.152 bytes

port: 27853 TCP

Author Information / Description
Trylobite is a complex engine for remote control , based on the last version of Back Oriffice 2000 ( v1.3alpha).
I'm developing the small details of the "trojan" ( ok, yes , ok , it is a trojan but you 
can use a new plugin for make the server "visual" ) but i have completed the graphical
interfaces and the server including a console version of the client.
The plugins of BO2K are ully compatible with Trylobite but you need to recompile and
modify some sections of the plugin , im going to write a document for explain this .
Current Plugins,
- Null Authentication Packets
- STCP ;-) YEAH! ( TCP Secure Connections for encrypt the communication between server and client/master )
- UDP Networking ;-)
- AES nc
- Others
The source code is not avalaible at the moment but im going to publish it in the future.

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