TransScout 1.2

Released 25 years, 4 months ago. October 1999

Copyright © MegaSecurity

TransScout 1.2
From Germany
Family Transmission Scout
Category Remote Access
Version TransScout 1.2
Released Date Oct 1999, 25 years, 4 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
Dropped File:

size: 646 KB

port: 1999, 2003, 9878 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "kernel16"

Author Information / Description
Minimum Resolution of 800*600 Pixels REQUIRED!!!
Always look for the last version of TS (or ask me by Email)
News for 0.95-Users: 
      The functions added in V0.95 are NOT compatible
      to the enhanced new functions in this version - Sorry! 

This tool is now even working on the WWW (beside LAN).
Your Client AND the Server-machine have to be connected with the Internet
at the same time and must use direct-internet-connection (e.g. "Dial up Networking").
You only need the server's IP-adress. (tested with Talknet and T-Online)

If you find any bugs and want to help me in this case, you can mail problems
or similar failures to me (EMAIL:
[email protected]
and also, if you can help me with Keyboard-Hooks.
Thank you in advance.

files included:
server.exe - Install this on the computer YOU want to control [Server]
chat.exe   - Use this to control the machines on which server.exe is installed to [Client]
readme.txt - this information file

what it is:
It's a remote administration and spy-tool
using the TCP/IP-protocoll 
(main-ports: 1999 and 2000; filetransfers (max ports): 2001-2005)
(Scanport: 9878)
Only install it on your own machines !

functions in this version
look and find out (there are TOO many to explain them all)
Sometimes ScreenShot-Manager doesn't work after you used
it several times (and clicked when the server hasn't completed

v1.2   - Simulate Keypresses added
       - Advanced ServerInfo
       - MouseClicks on "InstantScreenShotManager" added
       - Registry Editor v0.6 added
       - System - "Freeze" added
v1.1   - FULLY WORKING Sweep-Scanner and Subnet-Scanner added
         (only detects TS-Servers v1.1 or higher)
v1.03  - additions to command "ServerInfo" and "SystemInfo"
       - RegistryEditor - graphics added (not yet working)
       - SubNet scanner added
v1.02  - Client ONLY Update: fixed screenshot-manager, sweepscanner-text added
v1.01  - Client ONLY Update: better Serverlist, new Icons
v1.00  - Client re-designed
       - SystemInfos updated
v0.99d - server-source cleaned-up 
       - improved ICQ-notify
       - MemFree added to DriveNFO
v0.99c - ICQ-Notify now WORKING :-)
       - Added EMAIL-Notify (beta)
       - Added SvInfo (Get Server Information)
v0.99b - Password-Catcher added (thx to General Failure)
       - DriveNFO updated (easier to use + more information)
       - Online ICQ-alert (test) added
v0.99  - many features improved
       - "Destroy Window"-function updated
       - "Copy to Log"-function added
       - server(v099 and higher)-scan enabled (not bug-free, but acceptable)
v0.98  - "pinging"-info added
       - dynamic IP-Entrys (enter IP and press enter directly in mainwindow)
       - increased instantscreenshotmanager-logging-time to 20secs
       - Get Information of upcoming filez/screenshots with estimated filesize
       - changed in "get infos about server" the productID to productKey
       - IP-scanner rebuilded (not yet working)
v0.97  - RAS-RIP(without pwd read), "About TS"-window
       - solved multi-user-connect-problem
v0.96.5- FTP-Server, some bugs killed
v0.96  - Added CreateTaskbar-Icon when closing with "X" in the upper right
       - search server beta2 added (slower, but running fine)
v0.95b - new File Manager v2.6 with BIG improved "recursive search"
       - Added "Select ScreenShot-Speed" to "InstantScreenShotManager"
v0.95  - Added "Set to own BG" to ScreenShot-Viewer (v1.2)
       - Added INSTANT-ScreenShot-Capturing
       - Added Recursive-Directory-FileSearch (with Wildcards)
         (will be improved with own destination window SOON :))
v0.94cd- ScreenShotManager improved
v0.94b - removed SEVERAL bugs (in File/Window-Manager and 2-3 commands)
         must be about 10!, program now runs very stable on LAN
v0.94  - PasswordProt. v1.0 finished
       - new connecting-method installed *BETA* (should now work
         better on the Internet)
v0.93de- PasswordProtection very much improved
v0.93bc- Server+Client rebuilded (2 bugs killed)
v0.93  - Added GetScreensaver-Password (DOES'NT WORK YET!!!!!!!!)
       - Now features mouse-position-control of the host
v0.92  - Added SendURL (open browser-command)
       - server.exe - will run, although windows95/98 isn't installed in the default path
v0.91  - Added ChangeBG in filemanager (incl. AutoRun *.bmp)
       - Search-Server-procedure improved
v0.9b  - Changed program name from RBO-Really Bad Orifice 
         to TS-Transmission Scout because of the cDc Copyright
v0.9   - FileManager v2.1 (AutoSelectDrive added)
       - WindowManager v1.5 done
       --> features like the new FileManager has
v0.89  - FileManager v2.0 done
       --> features click&start now like a real file-manager
v0.88  - Added SpeakerBeep v1
       - ServerList improved (1.4)
v0.87  - ServerList editing completely rebuilded
       - Changed CloseAll Windows to Close Active Window
       - new message-protocoll
v0.86c - Added CloseAllWindows
       - Searching little improved
       - KillServer redone
v0.86  - Added Server-Search(alpha)
       - improved server 1st time-installation
v0.85  - first released version

what will come in future versions?
- speaker beep(v2)
- key logging and blocking
- pre-server-config

[c] October 1999 

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