Trail Of Destruction 2.0

Released 21 years, 3 months ago. June 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Broken Death

Trail Of Destruction 2.0
Author Broken Death
Family Trail Of Destruction
Category Remote Access
Version Trail Of Destruction 2.0
Released Date Jun 2003, 21 years, 3 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information

size: 283.979 bytes

port: varable

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "csrss.exe" 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "EXPLORER.exe" 

files added:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Explorer.exe 
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Devbkem32.dll 

registry added:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System "DisableTaskMgr"

Author Information / Description
The following is a quick list of features available to
use with TODv2:

- Screen Capturing
- Key Logging
- Error Messaging
- System Information Retriever
- Context menu Editor
- File Uploading
- File Downloading
- Hard Disk Drive Browsing
- Process / Task Killer
- Desktop Manipulation
- Windows Shutdown Features
- CD Drive Opening / Closing
- Webpage Browsing
- Various Other Window's / Screen Features

- New "PC Torment" Features

+ Heapz more.....

Other Features and improvements

Apart from the above features, there are also so new features
and improvements i have made for TODv2.

TODv2 now use's NEW PORT TECHNOLOGY! No longer are the days of
servers with set port numbers, in TODv2 you will experience the
use of random port selection! This small feature helps make the
server harder to block on the remote pc and improves stability!

NEW SERVER INFECTION METHODS! TODv2 also incorporates a new 
and majorly detailed infection routine making the server 100% 
more stable and is also one tough mother fucker to remove from
the remote pc!!!!!!

Broken Death

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