TheefLE 1.11

Released 22 years, 2 months ago. July 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By tt

TheefLE 1.11
Author tt
Family Theef
Category Remote Access
Version TheefLE 1.11
Released Date Jul 2002, 22 years, 2 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
dropped file:

size: 46 KB

port: 9580 TCP

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "UpdateComponent"

Author Information / Description
TheefLE v1.11 07/July/2002

Changes from 1.00 ...
 * Improved IP Retrieving
 * Improved Upload/Download (more stable)
 * Added ICQ Notification
 * Added more default plugins
 * Added support for custom plugins
 * Added option to register custom executable extension
 * ... and more
Changes from 1.10 Beta ...
 * Added option to display all running processes
 * Added option to upload plugins automatically
 * Client now saves more settings

Whole package should work on all OS's, tested on WinXP and 
WinME with no problems.

Server included in this zip archive is *uncompressed*, so you
can edit it and change the icon, etc, and then compress it
again to make it smaller. Try UPX (available from the theef
site) to compress the server, the uncompressed server is 45kb,
which will go down to 23kb with UPX.

I have adjusted the transfer speed from the last version as 
some people had problems with it, it should work better now... 
You won't be able to transfer files between different versions 
of the client/server for this reason (I think).

The default plugins here are; 
Upload them to the same directory as the server is running in
if you want to use them, there is also support for custom 
plugins, so you can make your own... There should eventually be
an open-source example on the website, check back to see if i've
posted it yet. Also ask for help and info on maming plugins in 
the 'programming' section of the forum..

If you got any comments, check out the forum.. post comments,
suggestions, bugs, etc..., at the site or get me on email at
[email protected]
Thanks to everyone who's supported me, shout outs to JoJo, LoNeX, 
triforce, all the Beta testers (thanks for your input guys :) and 
everyone on the forum, you know who you are...

Well, that's it...

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