TheefLE 1.0

Released 22 years, 4 months ago. May 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By tt

TheefLE 1.0
Author tt
Family Theef
Category Remote Access
Version TheefLE 1.0
Released Date May 2002, 22 years, 4 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
dropped file:

size: 43 KB

port: 9580 TCP


Author Information / Description
  - TheefLE Version 1.00 25/May/2002 =

Uploader trojan by tt

Should work on all OS's, i have tested on XP and ME.

Editserver is included in the client, theres new stuff in the editserver
from previous versions of theef, its alot faster and theres a few more
There is only one notification method; CGI. I think this is the fastest 
and most reliable and if i add lots of others it'd only make the server
Included in this release is an unpacked server at 40.5k which should
compress to about 20k (when tested with UPX), make sure you only try and
edit/modify icon of an unpacked server, and once you have made your changes
and saved it, then you can pack it.
There is client.exe which is what you use on your own machine to connect
to a server on a remote computer.
Also included are couple of plugins, which you can upload to your victim
once you are connected, if you want to use them, doesnt have
many options at all yet, as i didn't have time to recode it all since i 
lost all the original sourcecode of it.
There may also be a zip icon called this is just a bunch of icons
that you could use as the servers, click 'Icon' in the editserver page.
Note: when you are changing the icon of the server, you *must* select an
icon of the same format; 32x32 pixels and 32bit colors.

Thanks to the following people; Ganja51, JoJo, xMs, angryziber, akcom. Plus 
thanks to the people who tested the BETA version and reported a few things
to me, nice 1 guys.

Note to BETA testers, you need to replace your previous versions with
this release as it addresses some of the problems you had in the first

That's it i guess, 

           have fun, 

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