Theef 2.00

Released 20 years, 6 months ago. March 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By tt

Author tt
Family Theef
Category Remote Access
Version Theef 2.00
Released Date Mar 2004, 20 years, 6 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information

size: 696,835 bytes 

port: 6703, 2968 TCP TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Session Manager" 

dropped files:

Author Information / Description
Theef v.2.00 13/March/2004 

Well, here it *finally* is ;)

Major improvements over Theef 1.37 all round, such as

 + Compatibility; server should now work on all Windows OS's

 + File caching; improves speed of file browser by only re-requesting the contents
   of a directory if it has actually been changed

 + Hugely improved file management system, as well as file caching, there's local 
   icon caching, network browsing, integration with search/edit/transfer, fast
   access straight to common folders (desktop / documents)

 + Event manager; schedule events to happen at certain times, allowing you to
   automate server actions without needing to be connected to it

 + Plugin manager; extend the functionality of the server by creating/installing 
   plugins, which can also be used alongside the event manager (above)

 + Keylogger; write all keys that are typed into specific window to a seperate file
   for easy password lookup


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