The Prayer 1.5

Released 25 years ago. February 2000

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Isneiqui

The Prayer 1.5
From Brazil
Author Isneiqui
Family The Prayer
Category Remote Access
Version The Prayer 1.5
Released Date Feb 2000, 25 years ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information

size: 400 KB

port: 23, 2716, 2754, 9999 TCP

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "SystemFiles" 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "SysFiles" 


Author Information / Description
THE PRAYER TROJAN 1.5: Merciless	
                                   By Isneiqui [TITH]

By using this software you agree that I am NOT liable for any consequential, special,
incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of this software. 

*** General informations:
- First of all, sorry my terrible English, my portuguese (I'm brazilian) is better :-)
- To invade someone you MUST send the PS.EXE (can be renamed) to the victim.
- Run Prayer.exe on your computer and Ps.exe on the target machine.
- You can invade people without send the PS.EXE, the program will try to connect through NetBIOS.
- The program is in english, so I don't need to explain all the functions and commands ok?!
- I don't have time to explain all the features in full right now but in the next release I will.
- The files you need are included with the program, except a Run-time DLL (Msvbvm50.dll).
  Copy the MSWINSCK.OCX to your System directory (probably C:\Windows\System)
- You can get all the files you need at
- Any question, bug report, or suggestion, please send me an E-mail ->
[email protected]
- The Prayer Trojan was made using Visual Basic 5 Professional,
  but there's a version in Delphi (Delphi Prayer).
- Desculpe aos brasileiros que pegaram esse programa em Ingl�s,
  mas saibam que h� uma vers�o em portugu�s :)

** What's new in Prayer 1.5: Merciless?
- Much better File Manager
- Telnet Server and Client
- More Informations about the host system
- Allow multiple conections, but only the last client receive and send data from host,
  the other clients only send datas...
- Turn off Modem (not yours =]) and Dial a number.
- Kill applications
- ICQ/E-mail notification
- Server Editor
- Server Password
- The Matrix
- Very good KeyLogger
- Allow you to change all the windows caption
- Client Configuration (Local Options)
- Clipboard Manager
- AntiLock System

*** Tips:
- If the client doens't work, 
  use Telnet... when the victim executes the server (ps.exe) it allows Telnet server too
- Telnet -> User: isneiqui     Password: prayer
- Using Telnet, please disable the "LOCAL ECHO",
  else you'll have problems to type... You'd better use Telnet 2000 by Isneiqui [TITH]
- If you get error trying to retrieve system informations,
  try again... It should works on the second try...
- The default server password is "prayer"
- I'm making a new version, so visit EVERYDAY our site, and get the newest versions, and a lot of other hacking programs...
- Use other trojans made by TITH like PCrasher (by EiguitiBi [TITH]),
  The Crusher (by Pepe [TITH]) and Host Control (By Soulbaker [TITH] and WishMaster [TITH]).
- Special thanx to: my family, all the TITH/TILH members,
  allied groups like SAD and UHF, hack partners, friends, beta-testers and myself of course...
- Fucks to: USA (United States of America), 

*** Little History
- Hackers Heaven 1.3 (My first trojan), by Me (Isneiqui [TITH]) and my brother (Nod [TITH]) - N/A
- Hackers Heaven 2.0
- Devils Trojan - N/A
- NetSpider, by Isneiqui [TITH]
- The Prayer 1.0 (Final of November 1999)
- The Prayer 1.1 (December 1999)
- The Prayer 1.2 (December 1999)
- The Prayer 1.3 (January 2000)
- The Prayer 1.4 (January 2000 - Just a Beta (Not Available))
- The Prayer 1.5: Merciless (February 2000)

Isneiqui [TITH]

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