Tequila Bandita 1.3b1

Released 19 years, 8 months ago. January 2005

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By stm

Author stm
Family Toquito Bandito
Category Remote Access
Version Tequila Bandita 1.3b1
Released Date Jan 2005, 19 years, 8 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 18,432 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\ActiveX Key "StubPath"
data: C:\WINDOWS\winhost32.exe

tested on Windows XP
January 29, 2005

Author Information / Description
Plugs folder includs server and client side plugins.
Upload the server side plugin into the server's windows directory
Load the client side plugin on the server window and you're set.


For Next Version:
-- <archphase> the Tb file search is like moronic, it needs to be as its found send it
-- download manager dont get subdirs
-- encrypted transfers
-- socks5 plugin

Changes in 1.3b1
- -AIM spy get windows bug
- -keylogger bug (bwuwgw)
- -multiple client crashes
- -server connections are more organized for stability (code wise)
- -"close server window first." messagebox now unnecsssisicassary
- -can now open more than one server window on the same server (multi-task/threaded)
- -plugin system changed (barely)
- -injection server switched from elirt to drocon's RT32 lib (drocon owns us all from now on)
- -gui tweaks
- -made the remote shell 9 million (estimated) times faster
- -Auto-Refresh lists after commands option (refresh dir after upload, refresh tasks after close, etc.)
- -transfer queue
- -download folders
- -downloads files in seperate server folders
- -check if online server _option_ (server connects only if it detects an internet connection)
- -Displays all server settings in computer info
- -Browse Network Share Directly (go to shares in file manager on click)
- -Go To Dir in File Search
- -kb/s display
- -user display in main listview


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