Tequila Bandita 1.2

Released 20 years, 2 months ago. July 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By stm

Author stm
Family Toquito Bandito
Category Remote Access
Version Tequila Bandita 1.2
Released Date Jul 2004, 20 years, 2 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 17.920 bytes
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{XL8381D8F2-0288-11D0-9501-00AA00B911tb} "StubPath"
data: C:\WINDOWS\winhost32.exe

Author Information / Description
Changes in 1.2:
- -kill service processes on XP/2k
- -reboot computer bug
- -broadcast upload (broadcast webdownloader is more efficient)
- -messages received statisticts
- -graph transfer statistics thingy
- -reset server
- -stream aim spy
- -php logger
- -Registry Run back to ActiveX startup method (and it works too!)
- -rename file with move file
- -the name
- -keylogger in the actual server. not a plugin anymore
- -resizable client
- -load custom dlls on server startup
- -user plugin support
- -remote shell (thx to drocon)
- -message box functions
- -Connection and OS info on connection list
- -bytes sent display
- -server prevents multiple instances
- -Network manager
- -File Searching
- -duplicate file
- -Create Directory in File Manager
- -file manager manual run box with params
- -goto dir on file manager
- -goto key on reg manager
- -and 1337 more things that i can't remember

Image Spy Plugin:
- -jpeg capture with 32bit colors
- -webcam crashing on xp when cam was in use or unplugged
- -save image to PNG
- -Predefined Image Capture sizes

added: el Recover Plugin :
- -Protected Storage Passwords
- -Game CD Keys
- -RAS passwords

added: Zip Plugin (w/source) :
- -Zip Files and Folders

added: File Attributes (w/source) :
- -View/Change File Attributes


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