System33r Tiny Webdownloader 0.1 DLL Injection

Released 20 years, 9 months ago. December 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By System33r

System33r Tiny Webdownloader 0.1 DLL Injection
Author System33r
Family System33r Downloader
Category Webdownloader
Version System33r Tiny Webdownloader 0.1 DLL Injection
Released Date Dec 2003, 20 years, 9 months ago.
Additional Information
size: 10.240 bytes


Author Information / Description
This is a very simple webdownloader in all perspectives. It only has the most basic features
a webdownloader should have. It's based on technology by Aphex ( - Thanks a lot
for your great inspiration and cool code. This version of the downloader is bigger because
it uses DLL injection. This version also features melt server as default option and it
will stay resident in the memory untill next reboot. The DLL loader is written in MASM
and the DLL (stub) is written in C++. It's around 4kb when it is packed with FSG 1.33,
pretty fair size after all.


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