Super Stealth Key Capturer

Released 22 years, 7 months ago. July 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By JunkCode

Super Stealth Key Capturer
Author JunkCode
Family Super Stealth Key Capturer
Category Information Stealer
Version Super Stealth Key Capturer
Released Date Jul 2002, 22 years, 7 months ago.
Additional Information

size: 19.488 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "MsgSvr32" 


Author Information / Description
the pack contains..
* SSKC v2.0.exe --- this is the keylogger ( don't run this first )
* TweakSSKC.exe --- use this to configure SSKC v2.0.exe
* autoexec.bat  --- for uninstallation
* ReadMe.TxT    --- this file :-)

SSKC v2.0, is a keylogger with SMTP support. Its logs key typed in all
windows ( not in DOS shell ) to a file you specify.. this file gets
mailed to the address you specify... in order to prevent file from 
getting too bulky... it gets truncated when it reaches 64KB....
other features include.. killing of popular AV & FW.. this option can
be turned on or off using TweakSSKC..

SSKC isn't super stealth yet.. i hope to achive it someday.. 

whats new from SSKC v1.0
* SMTP support ( the subject contains the username of the victim )
* logfile logs SSKC startup time & the window titles ( eg:- @@Notepad )
  more beautification in the log file as compared to SSKC v1.0
* Checks for the OS.. and the processes according to it
  ( for eg:- SSKC v1.0 used to crash in WinNT based OS, since 
    RegisterServiceProcess wasn't available on it, so i fixed it )
* SSKC v1.0 used a lame method for installing itself, v2.0 has a better
* Killing AntiVirus, FireWalls etc.. can be killed... this is useful
  against a ordinary windoze user.
* and lots of other tweaks!

on using TweakSSKC..
i guess its self explanatory... anyway i'll just give a small 

select sskc2 : this is the file ( sskc ) you want to edit. please make
               sure that its sskc v2.0 itself.. no checking is done!
from_email   : this isn't actually required.. so just fill it up with
               any valid e-mail address
to_email     : this is the address when the file is to be mailed
               your e-mail address
smtp_server  : specify the smtp server thru which the log file should
               be mailed. ( i'll implement an inbuilt SMTP server in
               the next verson )
log_file     : this is the file to which the key strokes will be logged
               make sure this file can exist.. or else it'll be a waste
               of time :-)
the last option is to add "Killing AV & FW" feature, just check/uncheck
if you wanna turn if on/off :-)).. 

how to install SSKC v2.0
after configuring SSKC v2.0.exe using TweakSSKC.. just run the file
it automatically installs itself.. i haven't implemented melting..
btw.. you can rename SSKC v2.0.exe to anything you like

how to uninstall SSKC v2.0
for the elite, i needn't write a note on how to do so.. but for other
here is a simple procedure.. copy the contents of autoexec.bat @ the
end of your c:\autoexec.bat and reboot your computer.. the keylogger
and the dll should get deleted.
now.. another procedure is to use a Process Viewer, and kill the
process named MsgSvr32.exe ( c:\windows\msgsvr32.exe ).. and go
to the registry key \Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run
and delete the registry key named 'MsgSvr32'.

AV/FW will be killed every second... it might create a problem in slow
computer.. with may cause lots of hdd activity.. but i love that noise.

i've successfully tested in Win98SE & WinXP ( admin priv ).

please feel free to drop in your comments or bug reports :-)

and ofcourse, i'm really sorry for my bad & senseless english


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