SubRoot 1.1

Released 21 years, 6 months ago. March 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By cloak

Author cloak
Family SubRoot
Category Remote Access Telnet
Version SubRoot 1.1
Released Date Mar 2003, 21 years, 6 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information

size: 94.208 bytes 

port: 1420 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices "Ati2cci"

Author Information / Description
subroot v1.1
by: cloak

note: - use telnet to connect to server
      - connect on port: 1420
      - preffered buffer size = 25
      - using logging on your telnet client is advised
      - login: root
        passw: seawolf


dir <dir\>                  - gives a specified directory listing
kill <filepath> or <dir\>   - kills a specified file or 'empty' directory
run <filepath>              - runs a specified file
read <filepath>             - reads a specified file
listfree <drive\>           - lists a specified drive's free space
shell <address>             - shells a specified URL address on server
opencd                      - opens cdrom
closecd                     - closes cdrom
swapmouse                   - swaps mouse buttons around
swapmouseback               - swaps mouse buttons back
beep                        - makes pc speaker beep
beepoff                     - stops pc speaker beeping
hidestartbutton             - hides start button
showstartbutton             - shows start button
hidetaskbar                 - hides taskbar
showtaskbar                 - shows taskbar
startcolour                 - cycles through windows colours
stopcolour                  - stops cycling colours
disablecad                  - disables ctrl-alt-delte
enablecad                   - enables ctrl-alt-delete
info                        - displays information about server
sendmsg                     - sends popup message
bluescreen                  - sends blue screen
dboot                       - don't use this unless you have to
reboot                      - reboots server
userlogout                  - logs the server user out
shutdown                    - shuts down server
close                       - closes server
disconnect                  - disconnects from server
cls                         - clears buffer

cloak @

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