
Released 24 years, 7 months ago. July 2000

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Martsinovsky

Author Martsinovsky
Family StealthWatcher
Category Remote Access
Version StealthWatcher
Released Date Jul 2000, 24 years, 7 months ago.
Additional Information
port: 15163, 15165 TCP

size:  bytes

port: 15164 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "SWClient"

Author Information / Description
This is the system for monitoring PC-users activities through network.
 Using StealthWatcher 2000, you will be always informed about what
 users do. You may monitor your employees or students etc. This program
 does not include any possibilities for destructive influence on
 remote computer.


- When user types any text in any window, this text appears on your
  screen in real time.
- You can take screenshots from user's desktop and see what user is
  doing now.
- You can view a list of applications running on remote PC and see
  which one is the foreground window.
- Monitoring many users simultaneously. (Available in FULL VERSION only)
- The Agent running on remote PC is difficult to find since it does not
  show up in the task list.
- Autodetection of computers with launched Agent on LAN.
- You can shut down or uninstall Agent application remotely
  from your PC.(Available in FULL VERSION only)
- Easy to use.
- StealthWatcher 2000 runs on Windows 95/98/NT/2000.


- Auto refreshing screenshot and applications list in specified
  period of time.
- Scaling of the screenshot from 1/1 to 1/8 scale with good quality.
  Decreasing screenshot dimensions reduces loading of the remote and
  local computer and reduces network traffic.
- Help system designed.
- Applications list feature now works on Win NT/2000 client computers.
- Hotkeys added to the frequent commands.
- Some toolbar icons changed.


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