Stealth Lan Downloader

Released 20 years, 4 months ago. May 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By BlackC0bra

Stealth Lan Downloader
Author BlackC0bra
Family Stealth Lan Downloader
Category Webdownloader
Version Stealth Lan Downloader
Released Date May 2004, 20 years, 4 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 28.672 bytes

Author Information / Description
Here is a small tool to download trojans on your boss systems from a  Lan computer. 
As name suggests , Stealth Lan Downloader.Its developed using visual Basic 6.0. 
But you wont require any winsock controls and thats the good news.Yes vb6 run time dlls are required(msvbm).
I will compile it in vb 5.0 so even those runtime dlls wont required.

1. How to use it ?.

   well its pretty easy to use it though.The things to take a look at are:---

a. You should have a webserver running locally i.e on your own lan mechine with a static IP. IIS is the best choice.
   As this tool is tested on IIS 5.0- IIS 5.1. I have not tested it on any other webserver. So please test it on 
   other webservers like apache and send me the comments.

b. You should have a trojan.exe(duh!)so that your admin can download and execute it anonymously and you do not get fired.hehehe.

c. Put the trojan.exe in the wwwroot directory.I am taking IIS as example here.
   Copy the file here--> "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\trojan.exe" , if windows is on c:\.
d. After this you got to know the IP address of your computer.It will be a static IP 
   as you supposed to be on Lan.(Scrippt kiddie, dont ask me why?).

e. While editing the server, enter "http://yourip/trojan.exe" and save it.

f. Bind this gift with upx or some other good binder like hermanbinder2 and give to 
   your admin telling him that its the utility which you have developed specially for 
   him, or just get other way round and somehow let him execute it.


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