Stealth Email Redirector

Released 23 years, 3 months ago. June 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By softsecurity

Stealth Email Redirector
Author softsecurity
Family Stealth Email Redirector
Category Information Stealer
Version Stealth Email Redirector
Released Date Jun 2001, 23 years, 3 months ago.
Additional Information
size: 800.256 bytes

port: 25 TCP

Author Information / Description
Stealth Email Redirector (SER), v.2.0.1
Stealth  Email  Redirector  (SER) is a program that sends the copies of all
outgoing emails. SER monitors outgoing traffic of email client software and
intercepts  all  sending  emails. Then program sends out intercepted emails
to  specified  email  addresses.  Stealth  Email  Redirector  (SER)  do not
intercepts   emails   are   sending  from  web-based  email  services  like
a, etc.

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