
Released 22 years ago. September 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Holy_Father

Author Holy_Father
Family sredir
Category Stealth Proxy
Version sredir
Released Date Sep 2002, 22 years ago.
Language MASM, source included
Additional Information
size: 2.512 bytes

Author Information / Description
The Smallest TCP Port Redirector

;compiled with MASM 6.14 with ALIGN:4 
;total size: 2512b
;write no output, silently terminates when error
;it is multithreaded and stable on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP
;usage:	sredir.exe listen_on_port redir_to_ip redir_to_port
;	redir_to_ip must be IP address in A.B.C.D format 
;		    no DNS implemented
;example: sredir.exe 100 80


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