Spirit 4.2

Released 16 years, 9 months ago. December 2007

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By iciko

Spirit 4.2
Author iciko
Family Spirit
Category Remote Access
Version Spirit 4.2
Released Date Dec 2007, 16 years, 9 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
Tested on Windows XP
February 05, 2008

Author Information / Description

Spirit Uploader 4 is a reverse-connection remote administration tool compiled with NASM and designed for small size and low memory usage. It allows the user to remotely manage a computer on which the server file has been executed.


    * ~1400 bytes (Varies with settings)


    * ActiveX startup
    * Install into system directory
    * Injection into explorer.exe process
    * Invisible in the task manager
    * Runs on Windows 98/2000/Me/NT/XP/Vista/Longhorn


    * Computer information
    * File manager
    * Process manager
    * Windows manager
    * Service manager
    * Registry manager
    * Screen capture (requires GDIPlus.dll)
    * Camera capture (requires GDIPlus.dll)
    * LZO data compression

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