
Released 21 years, 2 months ago. July 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Prince Ali

Author Prince Ali
Family Sometrouble
Category Remote Flooder
Version Sometrouble
Released Date Jul 2003, 21 years, 2 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
size: 17.408 bytes

Author Information / Description
Sometrouble 1.0 [Remote flooder](Bomber)
Sometrouble is a Simple Program with 3 Remote Functions:

-Mail Bomb (Self Resolve for Smtp)
-Icq  Bomb
-Net Send Flood

All done from victims pcs ,very useful if u got bots :) .

How to Use it ?
-Load sometrouble.dll in the Editor and Read the settings.
-Choose a option from the options menu.
-Fill Destination email or UIN or IP.
-Fill number of message to send, u can put (100 ,200,5000,99999....)
-Startup Option : check this if u want the Program to startup.
-Save ur settings (Server.exe is generated)

Prince Ali

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