Socks4 Proxy

Released 22 years ago. September 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Aphex

Author Aphex
Family Socks4 Proxy
Category Stealth Proxy
Version Socks4 Proxy
Released Date Sep 2002, 22 years ago.
Additional Information
size: 95.744 bytes

port (default): 43192 TCP

Author Information / Description
Socks4 Proxy 1.0

Usage: socks4d -s <port> -k <startup key>

Recently I was shocked to discover that the only available invisible socks proxy was 3 files,
about half a MB and required libraries to be registered. So, I decided to make this proxy.
It comes as a single 94KB install executable. It is command line based and allows you to
specify a key name to add to the registry allowing the proxy to startup after every reboot.

It supports Socks4 which is the most supported version.


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