SlimFTP 2.2

Released 23 years, 3 months ago. June 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By WhitSoft

SlimFTP 2.2
Author WhitSoft
Family SlimFTP
Category Remote Access
Version SlimFTP 2.2
Released Date Jun 2001, 23 years, 3 months ago.
Additional Information
size: 22.016 bytes

port: 21 TCP


This version is vulnerable.
The SlimFTPd does not handle relative paths correctly. 
Doing a "cd .../" in your home directory, will connect you to a directory above 
the bounding root directory.

Author Information / Description
SlimFTPd is a highly-efficient, low-profile FTP server daemon for the Windows operating environment.
It is small, does not require any installation routine, and won't take over your system,
yet it boasts some of the same features commonly found in the larger retail products.
SlimFTPd is a fully multi-threaded, 32-bit program that supports passive-mode data transfers,
multiple user accounts, per-user file permissions, and resuming of interrupted transfers.
This version has been rebuilt from the ground up for added security and reliability and to
conform rigidly to the RFC 959 specifications, so you should never experience any 
incompatibility with FTP client software.

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