Slh RAT 4.0.1

Released 17 years, 3 months ago. June 2007

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By SantasDad

Slh RAT 4.0.1
Author SantasDad
Family Slh RAT
Category Remote Access
Version Slh RAT 4.0.1
Released Date Jun 2007, 17 years, 3 months ago.
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 65,154 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{F27D83B8-97D4-86E1-1AC4-1302FC94EABC} "StubPath"
data: c:\server.exe 	

tested on Windows XP
June 27, 2007

Author Information / Description
version 4.0.1

broadcast commands {upload file,execute file,url download,close,remove,
restart,update, upload extension, edit identification, log off, reboot, shutdown}
save penging transfers
option to auto close transfer window when all transfers complete
remove transfer window progress bar
changed check for updates. now shows current version and newest version - easier to maintain :)
fixed manual upload extension
auto upload remote plugins if needed
improved compression
smaller server almost 50%
better injection + choose where to injection - unlimited number of targets
client to client chat
share server

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