Skydance 3.6

Released 23 years, 2 months ago. July 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Edrin

Skydance 3.6
From Germany
Author Edrin
Family Skydance
Category Remote Access
Version Skydance 3.6
Released Date Jul 2001, 23 years, 2 months ago.
Language Microsoft Visual C++
Additional Information
size: 163,897 bytes

Author Information / Description
This is - Skydance 3.6 S.G (Gibson-Version) - by
[email protected]

This is README.TXT - Version 1
my homepage is currently down. you can write me a mail if you have some questions.

Disclaimer - Read This First:
	Everything in this document is based on the results i got from developing skydance.
	Skydance 3.6 S.G is an EXAMPLE of a Distributed Denial of Service attack!
	responsible for any HARM or harmfull things that happen because SKYDANCE
	source was USED! That means I do NOT guarantee for any features and
	security-thing	and i do not guarantee that this program works properly!!!
	Indeed i guarantee for nothing ;)
	Use this source only to learn about how to defend/protect against DDoS!
	Do not modify this source and do not give it to another person!

	suggestions against SKD303DDoS: goto ---> 4. d)

#tested with win98 and win2k

	1. What is it?							
	2. About Steve Gibson, Microsoft and Windows XP			
	3. The source code & changes to version 3.03			
	4. ICMP "ability" of win32 winsock (ICMP�s you can recv)	
	5. Client usage							
	6. Windows firewalls & future of win-based DDoS			

1. What is it?

	Skydance 3.6 S.G (Gibson-Version) is a DDoS sample for win32 using RAW sockets.
	source includes this features:
	- communication with ICMP
	- including a Syn Ack0 flood attack and a simple ping flood attack
	- can not be found with netstat -a (ICMP)
	- can not be found with usual Port-Scanners (RAW) 
	- on win2k/XP-systems communication and attacks are spoofed (IP_HDRINCL:) 
	- server size can be reduced to 17 K
	- client-source can be ported to unix because it is done as console app.
	- (ICMP tunnel) file(<65kb) can be sent within a spoofed ICMP packet, executes it after receive.

2. About Steve Gibson, Microsoft and Windows XP	
	In the last weeks you could read many "news" about windows XP and its insecure winsock
	that will allow script kiddies to create dangerous spoofed packets.
	The discussion was started by Steve Gibson who was reading my readme for skydance 3.03
	after he was "already thinking" about this bad feature of win2k/xp�s winsock. Well, i think
	that he accidently found skydance 3.03 when he was searching for some info about these evil
	DDoS-tools that were attacking his pages. But that�s not my point here.

	While the discussion was going on Steve Gibson claimed that Microsoft must be insane to add this
	useless feature to Windows and Microsoft responded (as usual) that there is no threat. There have
	also been some other people who tried to join the discussion like but finally 
	they play a minor important role.
	Now you might ask "Who of them is right? MS or"
	I�m going to answer this question here :) whatever i�m not the highly noticed Gibson or MS.
	As usual both sides are too extrem. They have to be because Steve Gibson wants to get mentioned
	in the press and Microsoft does not want bad news about winXP. Of course Steve Gibson is not
	an idiot who is telling storries. In one of the latest posts on his webpage he published
	a summary that is not too wrong whatever i�m going to add my own point of view to each aspect.

				(Taken directly from security wannabe�s homepage)  :[ 

	> Windows XP's new support of the full raw socket application programming Interface (API) allows 
	> for the creation of fraudulent and damaging Internet traffic. This has never been possible under 
	> Windows without first modifying the operating system with third-party device drivers � which has 
	> never been done by malicious programs.
		most of this opinion is true. Whatever i know of one sample for such a VXD (driver)
		that is called "chrome" (or something like this). Indeed every good person that has
		some good knowledge (and good friends ;) about win32 could do such a driver himself.
	> The security features built into all other raw socket capable operating systems (Windows 2000, 
	> Unix, Linux, etc.) deliberately restrict raw socket access to applications running with full 
	> "root" privilege. However, the Home Edition of Windows XP executes all applications with full 
	> administrative ("root") privilege. Thus, Windows XP eliminates the raw socket safety restrictions 
	> imposed by all other operating systems. 

		dunno, have never had tried it :/ at least i have no winXP
	> For the first time ever, applications running under the Home Edition of Windows XP � whether 
	> deliberately executed or running as hidden "Trojan" programs � will be easily able, without 
	> modifying the operating system in any way, to generate the most damaging forms of Internet 
	> attacks. 

		that�s true, too. SPOOFING (== IP_HDRINCL) is required to do serious dangerous
		forms of attacks like Ack0 floods... all other attacks can be blocked easyly
		Here i want to add one important point. I think there are two ways to have a
		dangerous DDoS-system: 1. You have MANY (irc/icq/ftp) DDoS-bots on dial in 
					  computers that have dynamic IPs.
					  These Bots won�t need the spoofing feature anyway.
					  In addition to that MOST ISPs DO FILTER SPOOFED PACKETS
				       2. You have some static-IP webservers. 
		Obviously the IP_HDRINCL will be mostly a problem for WEBSERVERS with static IP.
		It will NOT make every windows machine to a dangerous DDOS-server as he claimed
	> Internet attacks launched from security-compromised Windows systems are already common. 
	> (Because security-compromised Windows systems are common.) However, the previous Internet 
	> API built into Windows, prevented those attacks from being as damaging as those launched 
	> by Unix and Linux systems. The sole reason for this difference was Windows' previous 
	> lack of full raw socket support. 
		That�s finally his point and he already said that in his first point. 
		Microsoft DOES make a mistake to add the feature to winsock. I agree.

	> No previous version of Windows (9x, ME, or NT) had, or needed, full raw socket support. 
	> Those systems worked seamlessly on the Internet. While there are valid uses for advanced raw 
	> sockets by system level processes (NAT routing, IPsec support, etc.), there is no valid use 
	> for raw sockets by end-user software. The only applications are Internet Research or the 
	> exercise of malice. Therefore, this new danger is without justification. 

		Yeah... I wonder how i could use IP_HDRINCL for something usefull...
		At least nobody needs it. Only for experimental things maybe.

 	> Windows XP's security model, which has been all but eliminated in order to accommodate 
	> the needs of Windows 9x legacy applications, will not prevent the wholesale compromising of 
	> Windows XP machines. These compromised machines � with their needlessly potent full raw 
	> socket support � will be used to attack and damage any chosen Internet user or site. 

	QX-Mat of reminded me to set the focus again on the main problem: the IP_HDRINCL availbility in
	win2k/XP. This enables people to fake their own address and build Ack0 Syn Flood attacks that can
	NOT be filtered by firewalls as i will explain later in here. Well, dear readers, now you know :)

	If Microsoft would ask me i would suggest to offer the "advanced" winsock that supports
	such features as IP_HDRINCL as an optional free package a user can install if he requires it.
	At least they should add some admin-option to disable the feature in the winsock.
	With most probability nobody will ever need it. Well, maybe some computer-geeks will play with
	it. This opinion was already suggested in several comments to the "winXP&Spoofing"-news on 
	several news-pages.

3. The source code & changes to version 3.03
	In this version i modified the ICMP attack-packet generator and maybe they
	will look more random now.
	Because nobody took the threat of IP_HDRINCL (skydance 3.03 is already a sample for it) serious
	i decided to add an Ack0 flooder. This is an initiation IP packet of type TCP that tells the
	service of a server that a clients wants to connect. TCP is a port-based server	client protocol
	that is used for most secure (i mean without the risk of packet losing) communication like HTTP
	and FTP. To connect to a server for example to download a file the server must offer open ports.

	Now you use the spoofing option and you send 1000 "I want to connect"-packets with 1000 faked
	source IP addresses to the port. While the ISP of the server (router) can block packets 
	(ICMP and UDP blah blah...) like a ping that are less important they can not disable the TCP 
	protocol without stoping the server to offer important services. Now, after the server received
	that "I want to connect"-packet it is going to respond to the non existing fake client "Yeah, 
	everything is fine, i�m cool"-packet. That will eat his bandwith.

	As you can see this is only possible with the ability of faking IPs. For this you need two
	things.	1. An ISP (unlike most dial in ISPs!) that does not block outgoing spoofed packets
		2. a) if you are a leet script kiddie that can code/compile sockets:
					An OS like win2k/xp or linux that supports IP_HDRINCL
		   b) if you are a leet coder who want�s to play with drivers:
					some pizza and much coke.
	As you can see it�s not too dificult!
	I still did not add a selfinstalling function and/or a cryption to the source because 
	i hope it will remain only a sample code :) hehe

4. ICMP "ability" of win32 winsock (ICMP�s you can recv)
	Blocking each suspicious "ok-ICMP" might block communictation of 
	each win-ICMP-trojan (that is winsock based of course)!!
	I tested it in a few minutes, no warranty, proof it yourself!

	0 Echo reply. 				ok
	1 Reserved. 				ok
	2 Reserved. 				ok
	3 Destination unreachable. 		failed
	4 Source quench. 			failed
	5 Redirect. 				failed
	6 Alternate Host Address. 		ok
	7  					ok
	8 Echo request. 			failed
	9 Router advertisement. 		ok
	10 Router solicitation. 		ok
	11 Time exceeded. 			failed
	12 Parameter problem. 			failed
	13 Timestamp request. 			failed
	14 Timestamp reply. 			ok
	15 Information request. 		ok
	16 Information reply. 			ok
	17 Address mask request. 		failed
	18 Address mask reply. 			ok
	19 Reserved (for security). 		ok
	20					ok
	-					  unknown
	29 Reserved (for robustness experiment).ok
	30 Traceroute. 				ok
	31 Conversion error. 			ok
	32 Mobile Host Redirect. 		ok
	33 IPv6 Where-Are-You. 			ok
	34 IPv6 I-Am-Here. 			ok
	35 Mobile Registration Request. 	ok
	36 Mobile Registration Reply. 		ok
	37 Domain Name request. 		ok
	38 Domain Name reply. 			ok
	39 SKIP Algorithm Discovery Protocol. 	ok
	40 Photuris, Security failures. 	ok
	41					ok
	-					  unknown
	255 Reserved. 				ok

5. Client usage:

	The Client will try to use a spoofed source address. You should test your
	spoofing-ability first to ensure that you can not be revealed. The test
	will fail on WinNT and Win9x/Me systems. It should not fail under Win2000 & XP.

	<spoofed-IP> and <target> must be in style of
	By default it is =
	<pass> must be <= 4 letters!

	- To test spoofing-ability:
	   skd36c spoofing

	- Get Server Info (always unspoofed packets!):
	   skd36c <server> <pass> info
	   Sample: skd36c diva info

	- To lauch an attack:
	   skd36c <server> <pass> kill <type> <target> <time-in-minutes> <spoofed-IP>
	   Sample: skd36c diva kill ack0 10
	   <type> must be:  icmp  (icmp attack only)
	                    ack0  (icmp or SynFlood if server supports spoofing)
	   <time-in-minutes> can be up to 1440
	- To send and exectue a file with a spoofed standart-windows-pong:
	   skd36c <server> <pass> fsend <file-name> <new-filename> <spoofed-IP>
	   Sample: skd36c diva fsend c:\myfile.exe myfile.exe
	   <file-name> SIZE can be up to 65400 byte, <new-filename> up to 39 letters

6. Some words about DDoS from Windows OS.
	The new feature IP_HDRINCL that comes with win2k can make windows to a powerful
	DDoS server because it enables IP-spoofing!

	IP_HDRINCL in source:
	--> setsockopt(ssock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&bOpt, sizeof(bOpt)); <--

	That means win2k/XP-servers will become a base for DDoS that is equal to *nix servers.

	Anyway most windows systems remain dial-in computers that have dynamic IP. That means
	such a DDoS as SKD 3.6 S.G can not be used with it in a serious way. I think for such
	Computers the most threatoning DDoS remain IRC-"bots" I already mentioned: most 
	dial in ISPs block outgoing spoofed packets!

	Firewalls that control each winsock access are quite good. They would probably detect
	all malicous winsock based services. 

	I tested out ZoneAlarm again and i found out that it does not only check the application�s
	name and path but also the applications size (and maybe the socket functions they use, too).
	I also found out that win2k does replace a deleted ping.exe in <windir> imediately after it 
	got deleted well, that might work fine if you try to replace it by drag and drop whatever
	doing it within an application or script it does not replace it fast enough.

	That means you might be able to blow a file up to the right size to replace a non-suspicous
	application without having further troubles...

->	Finally i want to add some words about my personal feelings about the stupid winXP 

	As some of you probably already know i tried to remove skydance 3.03 from web a few days 
	after i made it public because i thought it would be better for world.
	I was not happy when i got a mail from that told me that Steve Gibson
	wrote mails to microsoft and published texts on his webpage where he quoted from my
	readme. Well, i can�t do anything against it anymore. Whole world already knows about
	this stuff now so i think it is ok to publish this skydance now.
	I do not know Steve Gibson and i have never talked to him directly. He is probably doing 
	a good job with all the things he does  in TV and Radio... heh
	Well, just joking ;)
				(Taken directly from Steve`s great homepage)

	> Here, located on the "megasecurity" hacker site (provided with their knowledge and permission), 
	> is the entire "readme" page ...
	shouldn�t he ask me? :/

	On his webpage he refered to me and called me a malicious hacker. Well, i am not a malicious hacker.
	I do not flood servers with DDoS nor i do hack any systems. I agree i made a sample application
	that should demonstrate the IP_HDRINCL feature that is now also present in windows. But if this
	makes me to a malicous hacker Steve Gibson is one himself because he claimed that he is going to
	make a sample application, too, hehe
Thx for reading,
[email protected]

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