Skull De-Burrower 2.0 (d)

Released 21 years, 6 months ago. March 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By born2snipe

Skull De-Burrower 2.0 (d)
Author born2snipe
Family Skull De-Burrower
Category Remote Access
Version Skull De-Burrower 2.0 (d)
Released Date Mar 2003, 21 years, 6 months ago.
Language Visual Basic

Author Information / Description
Revisions made
 - Skull De-Burrower is not able to be hidden in System Tray

 - Auto Connection to Telnet after Route has been completed (Option menu)

 - Decide the order of your connection route, which automatically sets
   up Remote IP Addresses EXCEPT for the last connection.

 - Setup ONLY consists of setting up the first connection's listening       port, setting up all the remote ports, and the last connection's    remote IP Address.

 - New confirmation messages of Setup and Route being Completed.


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