Released 20 years, 2 months ago. July 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By b1ackh0le

Author b1ackh0le
Family SKL
Category Information Stealer
Version SKL
Released Date Jul 2004, 20 years, 2 months ago.
Language Microsoft Visual C++
Additional Information
dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\regog1.dll           size: 0 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\regog2.dll           size: 0 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\kernel32.exe  size: 8.713 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\regobj64.dll  size: 8.192 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Services"
data: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\kernel32.exe

Author Information / Description
SKL 1.0

1)Targetted keylogging(logs only the keys from the specifyed windows) 
2)keystrokes  will mail to the email id,daily or the log size is over 
3)firewall bypassing by injecting code into IE and sending mail 
4) Deleting all Cookies at installation. 
5) EXE size is 8.5kb
6) we can create the our own keylogger using the editor,we can specify the window titiles (the keys need to log),our email id,smtp server,log size)


open the editor ,fil lthe details ,click the create skl1.0.exe ,u wil lget the keylogger exe,run it on the victims system and u will get all the keys daily or log file size over,to ur email id
it will log only the keys of the specifyed windows,
for example to log all the keys typing in internet explorer 
just give the internet explorer at the text box and click add to list
then the logger will log all keys typed in IE
it is not case sencitive,it just chek that string is present inside the window ,and if present it will log the keys


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