SkD RAT 2.0

Released 18 years, 9 months ago. December 2005

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By SkD

Author SkD
Family SkD RAT
Category Remote Access
Version SkD RAT 2.0
Released Date Dec 2005, 18 years, 9 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\windos32.dll                Size: 50,176 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\winsys32.exe                Size: 34,304 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\win32system.dat    Size: 135 bytes 

port: 1234 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Windows32Bit Service"
data: C:\WINDOWS\winsys32.exe 

tested on Windows XP
June 06, 2005

Author Information / Description
Well, this is my new version of my RAT. I think there are lots of changes since the last version (1.5)!
The server is rewritten completely in a different language (Delphi), 
meaning that you dont need the Visual Basic runtimes anymore, and no more WinSock OCX is needed as Im using the WinSock API. 
This version is completely based on reverse-connection which makes the server connect to your computer instead of you connecting to a remote computer (direct connect).

Here is a list of what my RAT currently features:
-FireWall ByPass (Tested on ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm 6.0)
-SDTRestore (Unhook Kernel+User Mode APIs)
-In-Built RootKit (Hide Files,etc)
-Server Multi-Threaded (While Downloading, you can do other functions!)
-Registry Manager (More like a Registry Viewer as there is no delete,create,edit keys..)
-Services Manager
-URL Download 
-Mouse Control
-Control Panel
-Crazy Mouse
-Send Keys
-Power Options (Log Off,ShutDown,Reboot..)
-MsN Passwords (Grab passwords for MSN messenger,Yahoo! messenger,ICQ,etc)
-Offline/Online Keylogger
-Window Manager
-Task (Process) Manager
-Hide StartButton/Show StartButton
-ClipBoard Manager
-PC Information
-Mass Download (Send a command to all servers on your reverse-connected list to download a file + execute from any URL)


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