SkD RAT 1.5 b

Released 19 years, 2 months ago. July 2005

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By SkD

Author SkD
Family SkD RAT
Category Remote Access
Version SkD RAT 1.5 b
Released Date Jul 2005, 19 years, 2 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\Del.bat                              Size: 188 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\eimsn.exe                            Size: 57,344 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\eras.exe                             Size: 34,560 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\cjpg.dll                    Size: 29,184 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32\cjpg.dll            Size: 29,184 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32\microsoft_guid.dat  Size: 10 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32\server.exe          Size: 254,184 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32\serveree.exe        Size: 23,644 bytes 

port: 1700, 3000, 1234, 1232 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon "Shell"
old data: Explorer.exe 
new data: Explorer.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32\server.exe 

tested on Windows XP
September 11, 2005

Author Information / Description
SkD RAT v1.5 b Public Edition
The author is not responsible for any damage caused by this software.

 SkD Rat is one of many trojan's occupying the net today, it's in its BETA stage, which mean's some function's may not work and a user may encounter bug's and error's, if you do find any error's just contact me at
[email protected]

I am still working at the FWB, and I have made some progress. FWB will be implemented later when I complete it.

MSN Messenger Notification will be added soon!

I can make undetectable server's, please contact me by e-mail:
[email protected]

New! Everything is working now, if you find any bugs, please contact me!

Some thing's you have to know [Updates, etc.]:
-WebCam Shot added![Still its at a early stage].
-You can now change servers icon!
-Screenshot fixed and working! [With Compression!]
-Download and Upload works finally!
-Services and Registry manager are now working!
-Use Email Notification.
-Use SIN Notification.
-Keylogger Fixed, and sending of long text's fixed.
-When you test out a server for example with the name "server.exe", then you remove it and after a week you test out a new server called "server.exe" it won't work, try putting a different name for the "server.exe" such as "servernew.exe".
-Miscellaneous function's added!
-New mouse control functions added!
-Capture X & Y Added!
-Stealth future added! [FIXED]
-SkD RAT Client has now 4 skins to choose from. [No needed .OCX or other dependencies]
-SIN Notification added!
-Downloader is working now! [Fixed Again]
-Now you can choose if you want to add MSWINSCK.OCX !


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