Silent Spy 2.09

Released 21 years, 11 months ago. October 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By HaTcHeT

Author HaTcHeT
Family Silent Spy
Category Remote Access
Version Silent Spy 2.09
Released Date Oct 2002, 21 years, 11 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
dropped file:

size: 559.622 bytes 

port: 2332, 4225 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "WinKernel"

Author Information / Description
-- 17 / OCT / 2002 -- v2.09
 : Long time no update, undetected version.

-- 03 / JULY / 2002 -- v2.08
 : [Fix] Server didn't work on NT4 due to the hiding method so server works out wether it can hide or not automatically

-- 26 / JUNE / 2002 -- v2.07
 : Added new print feature which allows the client to send text to the victims printer.
 : [Fix] Sorted a massive server error which was causing it to open and close un controllably %-)

-- 08 / JUNE / 2002 -- v2.06
 : You can define the Operating system for the victim. This means server can hide from task list if going to be run on windows 9*.

-- 07 / JUNE / 2002 -- v2.05
 : Added 'type' feature, allows you to send text to the active window
 : Added 'Press Keys' functions to hold down keys (ie. control, shift, page up...)
 : [Fix] small transfer bug
 : [Fix] Improved fake error message, now WILL only show once.

-- 25 / MAY / 2002 -- v2.02
 : Added 'Fake error message' to server.
 : Put Server Version on to PCInfo.

-- 12 / MAY / 2002 -- v2.01
 : [Fix] the server so it runs on 95/98/2k/ME/XP
 : [Fix] the contact button (pointed to wrong address)

-- 08 / MAY / 2002 -- v2.00
 : Initial Release.


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