Shadow Nanny 1.0

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Gabriel Rage

Shadow Nanny 1.0
Author Gabriel Rage
Family Shadow Nanny
Category Remote Access
Version Shadow Nanny 1.0
Additional Information
size: 23,040 bytes

port: 50000 UDP

tested on Windows XP
May 21, 2007

Author Information / Description
Shadow Nanny is a kind of network remote administrator
utility. Main feature of this software is ability to
synchronize commands over range of machines in
the network.
It is the first version and there are only two commands
available: send a message and execute command.

Message parameters:
 Caption - header of the message
 Text - text of the message
 Type - message type (normal, alert, error)
Execute parameters:
 Operation - execute operation (edit, expole, find,
             open, print)
 File - execution target
 Parameters - parameters to passed to executing
 Directory - specifies execution directory
 Mode - execution mode (hidden, normal, minimized,
        maximized, recent, current, default)

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