Serenity 1.1.4 Ant-Christ

Released 18 years, 3 months ago. June 2006

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Necrobie

From Belgium
Author Necrobie
Family Serenity
Category Remote Access
Version Serenity 1.1.4 Ant-Christ
Released Date Jun 2006, 18 years, 3 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
tested on Windows XP
June 30, 2006

Author Information / Description
microsoft.exe = remote acces
server_public.exe = reverse connection
kiki.exe = plugin
edit server = edit server

----------------SCRIPT COMMANDS:-----------------------------
#ICQ# = Fake Icq
#MSN# = Fake Msn 
#CHF# = Look File
#EXEF# = Execute File
#QUIT# = End Program
#KD# = Keyboard Devil
#AF# = Admin Ftp
#CD# = Print Screen
#NAV# = Navigator
#AMS# = Fun
#KEY# = Keylogger
#NAV# = Navigator
#IMP# = Print 
#BDR# = Base de registre
#DPC# = Destroy Pc
#TC# = Tchatche
#ME# = Message
#DPC# = Destroy Pc
#DP# = Destroy process
#RI# = Recup. Infos
#MD# = Ms-Dos
#KS# = Kill Server
#DL# = Download
#UP# = Upload 
#DEL# = Del File
#TIME# = Time
#DATE# = Date" & vbCrLf
#AUTH# = Authentification
#TIMER# = Time before run
#HTML# = Script Html
#VBS# = Script VBS
#PHP# = Script Php
#JS# = Script Java Script
#PERSO# = Script Perso
#SB# = Block Site
#RM# = Recup. Mail
#RZ# = Editor Clef Rz
#DWORD# = Editor Clef Dword
#SERV# = Start/Stopp a service
#THIEF# = Thief pwd
### = pass a line 
#CODE_S_H# = Download a code source Html
#CODE_S_VBS# = Download a code source VBS
#CODE_S_P# = Download a code source Php
#CODE_S_JS# = Download a code source Js
#AIDE_ME# = Lancement de IE pour de l'aide 
#DETECTED# = This version is she detected ?
#VERSION# = Requete at server for ansk the Version
#SHUTDOWN# = Requete at server for ansk the Shutdown" & vbCrLf
#REBOOT# = Requete at server for ansk the Reboot" & vbCrLf 
#PING# = Pinguer ip (victim)
#TRACER# = Tracer ip (Victim)
#CLEAN# = Clean screen
#REBOOT_S# = Requete at server for ansk the Reboot
#SHUTDOWN_S# = Requete at server for ansk the Shutdown
#ATTENTE_S# = setting on standby server 
#CLEAN_U# = Clean Window Up
#CLEAN_B# = Clean Window Bottom
#DEL_T# = Del the traces local
#DEL_D# = Del the traces distant
#LOG# = Log all screens
#IP# = Write your ip in the zone connection
#NAME# = Write your Name in the zone connection 
#LOCALHOST# = Write in the zone connection
#END# = Quit Serenity
#NOTIFIER# = Download the codes sources php
#UPDATE_C# = Download the new version Serenity Client
#UPDATE_S# = Download the new version Serenity Server 
#NEWS# = Download new this version
#HELP# = All Commands


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