Released 22 years, 4 months ago. October 2002
Copyright © MegaSecurity
By Andrei
Author | Andrei |
Family | SEQRAT |
Category | Remote Access |
Version | SEQRAT |
Released Date | Oct 2002, 22 years, 4 months ago. |
Language | Visual Basic |
Additional Information
size: 360.448 bytes
port: 8000 TCP
Author Information / Description
SEQRAT server v1.1 - HTTP Web Server Raw Commands
In the raw command line you can enter any valid DOS command which returns
output to the browser and also server commands which are listed below.
(NOTE FOR DOS COMMANDS: use only commands which executes and return
imediatly after execution.)
Examples: ver - returns the version of OS
dir c:\ - shows contents of dir c:\
netstat -a - shows server's connections (may take a while)
The following are valid raw commands and also part of the SEQRAT protocol.
These are to be entered on web-browser raw command line and they are send
and executed on the server, result is usually send back to browser.
NOTE: You can use either long commmand or short command form (they are the same thing).
Examples: /sendkeys 123 <<<is the same as>>> /02 123
/kiLL c:\out.wav <<<is the same as>>> /05 c:\out.wav
Long |short| command | command | command
Command | Cmd | Arguments | Description | Example
/unload /xx closes the SEQRAT server /xx or /unload
/sendkeys /02 keys sends the keys in the argument to /02 %{F}N
current app (VB sendkeys format)
/run /03 name&nr executes program name /03 notepad.exe1
nr0 - hidden
nr1 - normal with focus (default) or
nr2 - minimized with focus /run notepad.exe
nr3 - maximized with focus
nr4 - normal no focus
/browse /04 path sends back files in path /04 c:\windows\m*.*
/kill /05 file deletes the file /05 c:\test.txt
/exit /08 option option0 - logoff user /08 0
option1 - shutdown PC
option2 - reboot PC or
option4 - forced logoff user
option5 - forced shutdown user /exit 0
option6 - forced reboot PC
/beep /09 nr beeps a <nr> of times /09 2 or /beep 2
if no <nr> then beep just one time
/listwind /12 sends back the list of windows /12 or /listwind
/info /15 sends back informations about PC /15 or /info
/bsod /17 crashes win98 system showing a /17 or /bsod
blue screen
/makedir /18 dirname makes dirname directory /18 c:\newdir
/remdir /19 dirname removes dirname directory /19 c:\newdir
/opencd /21 open the CDROM tray /21 or /opencd
/closecd /22 closes the CDROM tray /22 or /closecd
/cadoff /23 disables ctrl-alt-del on win98 OS /23 or /cadoff
/cadon /24 enables ctrl-alt-del on win98 OS /24 or /cadon
/chat /25 text enables chat and shows the text /25 start chatting
/chatx /26 text sends text to the chat window /26 bla,bla,bla
if text="cmdCloseX" then closes chat
/showpic /27 nr&file shows the file image on server /27 0c:\windows\tiles.bmp
nr=0 does not resize picture
nr<>0 maximize and stretch picture
/print /28 text sends text to server's printer /28 bla
/play /30 nr&file plays wav file /30 1c:\out.wav
nr=1 - plays it once
nr=8 - plays it nonstop in loop
/stopplay /31 stops playing sound /31
/totop /32 hWnd brings to top the window /32 123456
which handle is hWnd /totop 123456
/flash /33 hWnd flashes window which handle is hWnd /33 123456
/showwin /35 act&hWnd act=00 - hides window with handle hWnd /35 00123456
act=02 - minimizes window
act=03 - maximizes window
act=05 - shows window with handle hWnd
/swap /36 swaps mouse buttons /36
/setwall /37 file sets the file(.bmp) to be wallpaper /37 c:\windows\tiles.bmp
/settrails /38 nr sets mouse trails to nr /38 100
/showsound /39 show sounds /39
/noshowsound /40 don't show sounds /40
/setpcname /43 name sets the PC name to name /43 newnamePC
/disredir /52 disables redirects /52
/hidetask /53 hides taskbar /53
/showtask /54 shows taskbar /54
/hidedesk /55 hides desktop /55
/showdesk /56 shows desktop /56
/hidestart /57 hide start button /57
/showstart /58 show start button /58
/hideicons /59 hide taskbar icons /59
/showicons /60 show taskbar icons /60
/hideprogs /61 hide programs showing in taskbar /61
/showprogs /62 show programs showing in taskbar /62
/hideclock /63 hide taskbar clock /63
/showclock /64 show taskbar clock /64
/65 cmd execute DOS cmd /65 dir c: or dir c:
this may be entered directly in the raw command without leading "/"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /monitoroff /66 turns monitor off /66
/monitoron /67 turns monitor on /67
/ntstuff /68 cmd&val works only on NT based OSes /68 0201
val=00 - enable
val=01 - disable
cmd=01 - taskmanager
cmd=02 - logoff
cmd=03 - shutdown
cmd=04 - lock workstation
cmd=05 - change passowrd
/killredir /69 kills all redirected ports /69
/restartsock /70 restarts sockets /70
/stopkeylogg /72 stop live keylogger /72
/execute /75 code execute script code /75 gimme(processlist)
/75 killprocess "abc.exe"
/addcode /76 code adds code to scriptcontrol /76 sub example() msgbox "123" end sub
/enumsect /77 key enumerates registry sections of the key
/enumsect HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software
/enumval /78 key enumerates registry values of the key
/78 KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ex\Opt
/listproc /83 lists active processes /80
/killprocid /84 procID kill process with procID ID /84 822
to kill a process by name: /75 killprocess "abc.exe"
/hidemouse /85 hides mouse cursor /85
/showmouse /86 shows mouse cursor /86
/block /87 blocks mouse and keyboard input /87
/unblock /88 enables mosue and keyboard input /88
/restart /89 restarts the server (if compiled exe) /89
/getmouse /91 sends back mouse coordonates /91
/setmouse /92 x;y sets mouse coord to x;y /92 0;0
/getclip /93 gets clipboard text /getclip
/clearclip /94 clears the clipboard /clearclip
/setclip /95 text sets clipboard text to text /setclip bla,bla
/open /96 address shell open's the address (file) /96
/open c:\out.wav
/96 c:\mydoc.doc
/reset /97 resets the scriptcontrol /97
this clears the code and the objects
of the scriptcontrol so use carefully
/hidegui /0a hide server GUI /0a
/showgui /0b show server GUI /0b
/stoplisten /0c stop listening server /0c
/port /0d port change the server's listening /0d 6000
port to port /port 3000
/stoplive /se stops any live control session /se
/reveal /gp reveals *** characters /gp
/ping /pi ping's the server and gets back pong /pi
NOTE: there are also other commands but they are not listed here because
they may not work and use some sepecial characters (like chr(0))
which cannot be entered on the command raw line.
see the server sources for all commands.
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