Screen Control

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By FeNnA

Screen Control
Author FeNnA
Family Screen Control
Category Remote Access
Version Screen Control
Language Visual Basic2
Additional Information
size: 172.032 bytes

port: 2208, 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216 TCP


Author Information / Description
Uprising Screen Control 1.0 - By FeNnA 

Uprising Screen Control 1.0 is a remote access trojan which allows the client/user to
take real time control over the server/victim as if you were sitting at there desktop 
this application allows you to take comlplete contol over the mouse e.g click on desktop
folders/progs (left/and right click function) you can hover the mouse over items on the desktop 
for a small description e.g filesize. It also lets you use the keyboard in real time you can 
click in text boxes on the screen and send keys.

Note - Some Visual Basic Runtime's Needed


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