Saria Fake Logins

Released 22 years, 1 month ago. August 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Prince Ali

Author Prince Ali
Family Saria Fake Logins
Category Information Stealer
Version Saria Fake Logins
Released Date Aug 2002, 22 years, 1 month ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
size: 416.770 bytes

size: 464.384 bytes

msn (9x, me, 200)
size: 471.552 bytes


Author Information / Description
Saria Fake Logins :

Fake Logins For Msn (Xp Version,and the Normal Version) ,Yahoo and paltalk,That Kill the 
task of Msn,Yahoo,Or Paltlak,Pop up itself Like the Normal Login and After a Victim enter
His User and Password it Logs them in a Php File in a Site the thing is the Operation of Login
is too fast and the Logisn looks Realistic :).

How Do u Use it ?
-Upload The Log.php to Any Site with Php Support (Like .
-Open the Editor Specify the link for the Php file.
- time define the number of ms that the Program Should wait (No act) before killing the task
this options could be very useful the numbers of case Should be [6] exactly or the program wil
not work Each 060000 - 1 min the 0 befre 60000 added to amke the number of cases [6]
-Save The Login and Send it to vic.
-Check The pass at   saria with small letters.
- The Loger will get you The ip ,username,pass,type(msn,yahoo,paltak),and the Date.

Prince Ali

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