Sandesa 1.5

Released 21 years, 3 months ago. June 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By jaNooNi

Sandesa 1.5
Author jaNooNi
Family Sandesa
Category Remote Access
Version Sandesa 1.5
Released Date Jun 2003, 21 years, 3 months ago.
Additional Information
size: 1.632 bytes

Author Information / Description
Sandesa is a small web downloader that downloads any file from
web and executes it.
This version is just 1.59 kb (packed) in size.
Features ICQ notification as well.

Since these days its getting more and more difficult to find 
webservers who allow hosting exe files, so heres a trick.
Just change the extension of your exe file to something else
like for example .jpg and upload it to your fav. webhost.
In sandesa give the URL to this renamed jpg file, and in
the 'Save To' textbox specify the filename with exe extension.
Sandesa will download the file and execute it as exe :)~.

Special thanks to X-HUMANATION, azote & Lucifer0000 for their
continued support and testing. 

Gobo (Free Gobo! -


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