SA Downloader 1.1

Released 21 years, 4 months ago. May 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By r3L4x

SA Downloader 1.1
Author r3L4x
Family SA Downloader
Category Webdownloader
Version SA Downloader 1.1
Released Date May 2003, 21 years, 4 months ago.
Language Visual Basic
Additional Information
size: 6.186 bytes


Author Information / Description
SA DOwnloader - Lite 1.1 By r3L4x
 [Simple Ass Downloader - Lite]
  ***Educational use ONLY***
Its very easy to use, just type in the address of the thing you want to download
and SA does the rest. It generates a new server and automatically packs it
(server size ~ 6 kb)
Dont worry! your web address is safe because it is encrypted into the server. 
The server has no FW/AV killing or melting because it was made to be as small as it could.


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