
Released 22 years, 4 months ago. May 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By JPSoft

Author JPSoft
Family RemoteHome2000
Category Remote Access
Version RemoteHome2000
Released Date May 2002, 22 years, 4 months ago.
Additional Information
size: 295.936 bytes

port: 21 TCP


server icon is visible in system tray

Author Information / Description
RemoteHome2000 makes your computer and data accessable over the Internet from any location.
All that's required is a valid Internet connection.

To know what IP address your computer has been assigned,
you must apply a valid email/cellular address under Settings.
Online data will be sent to this address.

After that you can connect to your computer via FTP.

If you recognize any personal information on this page and wish to have it removed or redacted, please contact us at We are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with GDPR regulations.