Remote Viewport

Released 23 years, 1 month ago. August 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ?

Remote Viewport
Author ?
Family Remote Viewport
Category Remote Access
Version Remote Viewport
Released Date Aug 2001, 23 years, 1 month ago.
Additional Information
size: 228.864 bytes

port: 1211 TCP


Author Information / Description
RVC v0.91 Command Line Options
-cHOST  connect to HOST on startup
-d#     set delay in msec between frames sent (0=only when user clicks the
        window, valid range 0-12750 in increments of 50)
-f#     set image format (0=PNG, 1=JPEG)
-q#     set JPEG compression quality (1-100)
-b#     set BPP (8 or 24)
-g      set faster greyscale conversion mode for 8bpp images of 24bpp desktops
-h#     set remote horizontal scaling (1,2, or 4)
-v#     set remote vertical scaling (1,2, or 4)
-x#     disable local image stretching and set x offset
-y#     disable local image stretching and set y offset

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