Remote AOL Password Cracker

Released 24 years ago. February 2001

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Aphex

Author Aphex
Family Remote AOL Password Cracker
Category Remote Access
Version Remote AOL Password Cracker
Released Date Feb 2001, 24 years ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information
size: 351.744 bytes

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "SystemTray32"

Author Information / Description
Remote AOL Password Cracker version 2.0

 This program is to be uploaded to a computer that has been exploited
using a R.A.T. such as my favorite SubSeven. Once uploaded with the
screenname list and password list and executed, the program will 
invisibly (to the victim) connect to the aol aim server, and attempt
to crack the screennames in the list you supply.

-This zip contains:

 1. - remote cracker (351,744 bytes unpacked)
 3. readme.txt - this file (shakes his head)

-Additional Requirements:

 1. List of aol screennames (1 per line) in pure text format
 2. List of passwords (1 per line) in pure text format

 WARNING!! This version is limited to lists max size of 50K

-To use:

 1. upload to anywhere on the victims computer.
 2. upload the file containing the screenname list called
    sys1.aph to the victims c:\
 3. upload the file containing the password list called 
    sys2.aph to the victims c:\
 4. run

 so at this point you should have uploaded 3 files to the victim
and on his computer there are 3 files. you must have all 3 or it
won't work, jesus fucking christ people it's so simple. you've
used a regular password cracker before right? well.. same design 

 1. C:\AnyDir\  "here as you see it doesn't matter what
                           you name it or where you put it"

 2. C:\sys1.aph <-- must be this path!! this is the list of screennames

 3. C:\sys2.aph <-- must be this path!! this is the list of passwords

-Where are the passwords:

 they are saved on the victim's computer as C:\sys3.aph

-Why are they .aph files:

 my alias is aphex (smart huh) but the files are still just text files.
use notepad or wordpad to edit your lists but for christ's sakes make
sure they aren't formatted. it asks you when you save the file. so open
your fucking eyes.

-For help:

 dear god, I know it can't be that hard to use but if you desperatly need
help drop me an email at
[email protected]
or you could try catching
me in the #SubSeven channel on irc server: SubSeven.Mine.Nu where I'm not
an asshole :)

-To purchase the source code:

 hey it's only 5 bucks with full comments (profanity free). send me an email if you want it.
the hardest part was the xor encryption which is not very hard. but maybe typing is enough
of a challenge for you.


 I really don't see the need of ay updates since aol could never ban it.
but if aol does fuck things up, rest assured I will fix it. so if it stops
working I'll post an update at


remember only crack screennames you own using computers you own on isp's you own in a 
house you own or maybe rent or whatever your situation may be. it's none of my business.

For tabacco use only.

As always your evil servent,
Aphex (
[email protected]

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