Released 25 years, 3 months ago. November 1999
Copyright © MegaSecurity
By [nexuz] & [ZaJoker]
Author | [nexuz] & [ZaJoker] |
Family | Recon |
Category | Remote Access |
Version | Recon |
Released Date | Nov 1999, 25 years, 3 months ago. |
Additional Information
size: 142.101 bytes
port: 7676 TCP
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices "WinNetHelp"
Author Information / Description
Remote Control Over Networks v2
ReCON aka RCONv2 by [nexuz] & [ZaJoker]
(c) 1999 XLegacy INC.
NOTE: The only available login in this version is "root" and the
default password is also "root".
ReCON commands description:
"CMDS" - sintax: "/cmds"
- very usefull command (acctualy THE MOST USEFULL)
- lists all available ReCON built-in commands
"VER" - sintax: "/ver"
- displays the ReCON version info and stuff
"PROGMAST" - sintax "/ver"
- used to complete "/VER"
"PWL" - sintax: "/pwl [old password] [new password]"
- changes the "old password" (default "root") to "new password"
- [old password] specifies the old login password; must be valid
- [new password] specifies the new password; can't contain spaces
"EXEC" - sintax: "/exec [application]"
- executes the specified application and reports any error
- [application] must be a program's name including path
"COPY" - sintax: "/copy [source file]![destination file]"
- copy's a file to specified location
- no wildcards allowed
- [source file], [destination file] may contain spaces (LFN)
"UNLINK" - sintax: "/unlink [file name]"
- deletes the specified file
- [file name] may be a long file name
"CD" - sintax: "/cd [new directory]"
- changes the current directory
- the parameter is optional
- if no parameter, displays the current directory
"DIR" - sintax: "/dir [file specifier]"
- lists all files and subdirs matching the [file specifier]
- wildcards allowed
- if no parameter, lists all subdirs and files in current directory
"RMDIR" - sintax: "/rmdir [directory name]"
- removes the specified directory
- the specified directory must be empty
- [directory name] supports LFN
"MKDIR" - sintax: "/mkdir [directory name]"
- creates a new directory with specified name
- [directory name] supports LFN
- [directory name] musn't exist
"ATTR" - sintax: "/attr [file name] [+attributes] [-attributes]"
- sets/clears the specified attributes for a file
- [+attributes], [-attributes] are optional parameters;
if missing the the current attributes of the file are listed
- wildcards not allowed
"RCPCALL" - sintax: "/rcpcall [RCP name] [RCP function]"
- executes a function from a RCP (Remote Control Plugin)
- [RCP name] points to a valid RCP module created with RDK
- [RCP function] is the RCP function name to be called
note: You may get the RDK (ReCON Development Kit) by
sending an e-mail to:
[email protected]
"MSG" - sintax: "/msg [from->][message]"
- shows a message on host
- [from->] parameter is optional; default is "a ghost"
"ERR" - sintax: "/err [fake error message]"
- generates a fake error on host
"TITLEMSG" - sintax: "/titlemsg [caption]"
- change the title of all windows listed by "DOZES"
- [caption] is the new title for all windows
note: after using "TITLEMSG" you won't be able to
recognize the windows listed with "DOZES"
"ALLMSG" - sintax: "/allmsg [message]"
- changes all captions (buttons, windows, labels, etc.)
- [message] is the new caption to be set
note: same as "TITLEMSG"
"STATE" - sintax: "/state [on/off] [window title]"
- enables/disables the specified window
- if the [window title] parameter is "*" then all windows
will be enabled/disabled
note: use with care if you are testing on the localhost
because you might get stuck
"PAINT" - sintax: "/paint"
- it paints the desktop over all other windows (pretty cool)
- the effect is temporary
"DESK" - sintax: "/desk [on/off]"
- shows/hides all icons on desktop
"TASK" - sintax: "/task [on/off]"
- shows/hides the taskbar
- Start menu is still active and can be accessed using the Win-key
"MONITOR" - sintax: "/monitor [on/off]"
- turns on/off the monitor (so far it worked on all tested monitors)
- the monitor stays off until "/monitor on" command fallows or
the PC is rebooted
"WINKEYS" - sintax: "/winkeys [on/off]"
- it turns on/off the windows special keys and
the windows keyboard shortcuts (CRTL+ESC, ALT+TAB, and all others)
"CDEJ" - sintax: "/cdej [on/off]"
- opens/closes the CD-audio door
- it may not work on all computers (the only PC on wich i
encountred difficultyes during tests, wich freezes on "CDEJ"
command is a FUNAI E285XA (my own :)
"DOZES" - sintax: "/dozes"
- lists all windows that have a "display-able" title
- doesn't make much sense after "TITLEMSG" or "ALLMSG"
"KILLWIN" - sintax: "/killwin [windowname]"
- destroys a window
- if there are more windows with the same name then
only the first found is killed, then you must repeat the command
"PIDS" - sintax: "/pids"
- lists all proccesses currently running
- more effective than "DOZES"
"KILLPID" - sintax: "/killpid [PID]"
- stops the specified proccess (must use "PIDS" to get a list)
- this is 100% efficient proccess killing (unlike "KILLWIN")
note: DO NOT mess with system's proccesses (like KERNEL32.DLL)
because this will probably ( (31.8*PI)% chances) freeze the host PC
"WHO" - sintax: "/who"
- lists all "clients" connected to the ReCON server
note: if a client is in the login state then the name will be
preceded by "WANNABE"
"SAY" - sintax: "/say [onliner number] [message]"
- prints the [message] on the terminal of the client
matching [onliner number] (use "WHO" to get a list)
note: the "you're looney" message apears when you try talking
to yourself :)
"REBOOT" - sintax: "/reboot"
- reboots the host machine
"LOGOUT" - sintax: "/logout"
- logs out the current logged on user
"HALT" - sintax: "/halt"
- performs system shutdown
- is the case is ATX then Power off will be performed too
"NFOS" - sintax: "/nfos"
- retreives system general info
"PASSWDS" - sintax: "/passwds"
- squeezes cached passwords from host PC
note: very usefull... you don't know what you might find in there
"SHARES" - sintax: "/shares"
- lists all shares on PC including theyre access passwords
"ADDSHR" - sintax: "/addshr [path] [sharename]"
- adds a new share to the system
- sharename must be 12 chars long tops
note: the description of the new share is set to "ReCONed path"
"RMSHR" - sintax: "/rmshr [sharename]"
- removes the specified share from host
"CLS" - sintax: "/cls"
- clears the screen
"CL" - sintax: "/cl [color index(optional)]"
- usefull under Linux Telent client
- changes the text color
- if parameter missing then lists all color indexes
"BK" - sintax: "/bk [color index(optional)]"
- usefull on Linux Telnet client
- changes background color
- if parameter missing then lists the color index
"QUIT" - sintax: "/quit"
- disconnects from ReCON server
- most usefull command :)))
"COPY"+"DEL" - to rename/move a file
"WINKEYS"+"TASK" - completly deactivates taskbar and start menu
For additional help contact:
[email protected]
Documentation wrote by: nexuz (
[email protected]
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