Released 26 years, 2 months ago. July 1998

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Shital Shah

Author Shital Shah
Family REA
Category Remote Access
Version REA
Released Date Jul 1998, 26 years, 2 months ago.
Language Delphi (source included)
Additional Information
size: 266,240 bytes

port: 23145 TCP


Author Information / Description
REA2 - Take The Control 

Concept of trojan horses is not new. Programs like Back Orifice 2000 silently stays
in background in your PC, acts as TCP/IP server and allows somebody to connect it through
Internet and execute commands sent by them. The REA2 (Remote Execution Agent) is my
own trojan horse specifically designed for silent, full proof, reliable and powerfull
illegal intrusion on other people's PCs through Internet. 
Comparing with BO2K, it lacks few features like real time screen display and mouse
control and plug-ins but it's designed to be much more "reliable and silent intrusion"
and currently has few of more capabilities then BO2K.
It's written in Delphi 3.0 to eliminate any runtime requirements. 
The EXE available here is a server. You can use any client that can connect to it on 
port 23145 and send the command strings. My favorite client is my own PortTalk.
I didn't got much time to document these stuff (as usual it was fun program solely meant
for my own use) but you can get the list of commands in TMainForm.ProcessReq function
in main.pas file. This application is right now not in state of easy clicks. 
You might have to modify the source code for your needs.

You can use any client that can connect to it on port 23145 and send the command strings.
My favorite client is my own PortTalk

 Shital Shah

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