rDC build 3

Released 19 years, 3 months ago. June 2005

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ?

rDC build 3
From Sweden
Author ?
Family rDC
Category Remote Access
Version rDC build 3
Released Date Jun 2005, 19 years, 3 months ago.
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 45,056 bytes 

added to registry:

tested on Windows XP
June 07, 2005

Author Information / Description
- --= ==== rDC build #1 ==== =-- -

- 1. --= What is remoteDC?
rDC is a a program that lets you control your computer remotely over Direct Connect. It connects to a hub and waits for commands in private messages.

- 2. --= What can it do? Features?
The following commands are supported:

hi <password>		Login command
cya			Logout command
moo			Ping, rDC responds with "baa"
say <text>		Speaks in main chat
sayto <nick> <text>    	Speaks to a person
showip         	    	Shows your bot's IP if
       	    	    	supported by hubsoft.
playwav <file>		Plays a Wave sound
run <program>		Starts a program
shutdown   		Shuts down rDC
poweroff   		Shuts down the computer
download <url> <file>	Downloads <url> to <file>
move <a> <b>		Moves file <a> to <b>
copy <a> <b>		Copies file <a> to <b>
delete <file>		Deletes a file or directory
list <dir>   		Displays directory contents
eject/inject <device> 	Ejects device

- 3. --= What does that thing in the config program do?

- Buttons -
Load		Loads the configuration from an EXE file
Save		Saves the configuration to an EXE file
Test rDC   	Starts rDC (save first!)
Stop rDC  	Stops rDC
Help		Shows this information

- Boxes -
rDC Nick: 	The nick name the bot uses.
Owner: 		Owner nick, leave blank to let everyone
		control the bot.
Notify owner:	Whetever the owner should be notified
		when the bot is started.
Password:  	Bot password. Leave blank for none.
Hub host:  	Hub to connect to.
...or IP:    	IP to connect to if name resolution fails
		or "Hub host" is blank.
Copy to:  	rDC will copy itself to this file in the
  		Windows directory if Startup is enabled.
Startup name:	Name used for service or reg key.
Startup:    	Startup method. * = needs admin rights
		Service is recommended.
		   None - Bot will not start on reboot
		   Start (Service) - Register as a service*
		   Start (Registry) - Place in the Run key*
		   Login (Registry) - Start on login
		If a startup method isn't supported rDC
		will fall back to another startup method.
Port:		The port the hub runs on. Usually 411.

- 4. --= Changelog

Build #3:
	- You can now let the IP address be blank
	- Owner notify on startup

Build #2:
	- Fixed bug with service startup.

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