
Released 20 years, 9 months ago. December 2003

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Prince Ali

Author Prince Ali
Family Radar
Category Information Stealer
Version Radar
Released Date Dec 2003, 20 years, 9 months ago.
Language Delphi
Additional Information

size: 15.872 bytes 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "radarspy" 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "radarspy" 


Author Information / Description
Radar is a Keylogger able to log 2 kinds of logs :

-Html Log [Colored Captions][Special Color For mails,IM AppsCaptions].
-Encrypted Log [that can be decrypted in the Editor Decryptor].

After The Log reach a certain Size Specofied by the user Radar will Attempt to upload trough 
Ftp to ur account u will get Logs Like

For html selection : VicName.html-Vicname1.htm-Vicanname3.html.....ect 
For Encrypted Txt  : Vicname.txt-Vicname2.txt.... ect

its recomended to Createa Dir for Each Vic or Group, and Choose different Vic Name for each of
your vics or group.

For Cleaning your Log after Decryption : The Log Cleaner 2.0 by gfresh is a Good Choice.

Prince Ali

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