
Released 24 years, 6 months ago. March 2000

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By ?

Author ?
Family Pipes
Category Remote Access
Version Pipes
Released Date Mar 2000, 24 years, 6 months ago.
Language Assembly, source included
Additional Information

size: 6.144 bytes


Author Information / Description
; Demo Win32 NetBus worm.
; This is a simple Internet worm using NetBus servers to propagate.
; The worm periodically scans it's own (class C) subnet for NetBus 1
; servers, and uploads itself to the hosts that have the server running,
; after which the uploaded copy will be remotely executed.
; The only reason why I targetted NetBus 1 was because it's the only
; backdoor trojan I had on my harddrive. It would have been better to
; target Sub-Seven servers, as these are far more widespread (and more
; powerful aswell).
; Oh yeah, it also uses Happy99 to travel..
; T-2000/IR, March 2000.

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