Ping Door 4.1

Released 21 years, 10 months ago. November 2002

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By Lion

From China
Author Lion
Family Ping Door
Category Remote Access
Version Ping Door 4.1
Released Date Nov 2002, 21 years, 10 months ago.
Additional Information
dropped file:

size: 55.296 bytes

platform: win2000

Author Information / Description
D:\>HDoor -config
============================== Ping BackDoor V0.41 ============================

Config the Ping BackDoor Parameter!

Enter your Password [1-32 Byte]: kissme:)
Your 8 Byte Password is: kissme:)

Enter your BackDoor Port [1-65535]: 138
Your BackDoor Port is: 138

Enter your BackDoor PacketSize [1-65535]: 101
Your BackDoor PacketSize is: 101

Add Your Config Info in to The File Success.
Please use New_HDoor.exe for your Custom Backdoor.


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