PassWord Ripper

Released 19 years, 9 months ago. December 2004

Copyright © MegaSecurity

By (v)aster

PassWord Ripper
Author (v)aster
Family PassWord Ripper
Category Information Stealer
Version PassWord Ripper
Released Date Dec 2004, 19 years, 9 months ago.
Language Delphi, Source included
Additional Information
dropped file:
size: 50,176 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "WinDialog"
data: C:\WINDOWS\WinDialog32.exe 

tested on Windows XP
February 19, 2005

Author Information / Description
The Password Ripper ripps passwords from 
ICQ 2003b, InternetExplorer\Outlook 
and Cached Passwords from Windows 9x\ME
Firewall bypass

Server is not Packed with any packer, so you can use some Packers
Settings are Crypted in Server, so that noone can read them ;)
You can select which passwords you want to be uploaded
to your FTP Server [ Server Size will not be changed ! ]
You can select if you want that the Server load everytime Windows start.

Server without Firewall bypass is ~49kb not packed
Server with Firewall bypass is ~80kb not packed

Firewall bypass:
  if you select iexplore.exe then its inject into iexplore.exe
  and its use iexplore service for uploading,
  if you select firefox.exe then its inject into firefox.exe
  and its use firefox service for uploading, same with opera
  just when you don't use injecting then its use iexplore as service
  for uploading :D
  Injecting works on Win9x\ME\XP fine


1. You need to get FTP Server
2. Add your Settings into the Builder, and click Build. [ You need write-rights on ftp ]
3. Send your Victim :D
4. Connect to your FTP Server, Login, check if file* is there, download file

* = File is in the Root folder of the FTP Server

cya (v)aster

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